Chapter 15

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When I entered the cafeteria, I took a chocolate muffin and headed towards our table. I thought about what just happened out there with Denis and felt my cheeks getting hot. Oh my gosh.. I can't believe that just happened! Ugh! He's so stupid. And cute.. Super cute.. My gosh, those eyes. I shook my head to erase those thoughts and took a bite of my muffin.

"Hey guys!" I greeted them and sat down between Chelsie and Lara.

"Hey. What took you so long?" Roman asked.

I was still chewing my muffin when he asked that, so I choked lightly. "U-uh.. Nothing. I was just walking slow. You know, coz I was thinking." I drank my water and swallowed loudly.

Roman looked at me suspiciously before speaking. "Yeah.. I'll believe that." He rolled his eyes and looked at me again. "You could just say the tru-" Before he could finish, Denis plopped down beside me.

I looked at him and grinned. "Sup dude? Your leg alright?" I smirked and took another bite of my muffin.

"It is actually. So, you wanna repeat our position earlier after school?" This time he's the one who smirked and I.. spit my muffin out with a cough. Lara patted my back and handed me my water. After a couple of minutes of coughing my lungs out, I opened my bottle and drank half of it.

I turned my attention to Denis and pinched him hard. He yelped and tried to get up, but I was dragging his arm down.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Let go! Let go!" He screamed while trying to jump away from me.

"Say sorry." I ordered him.

"Sorry! Sorry! Please!" I let go of him and he immediately scrubbed his arm trying to get rid of the pain. "Damn you woman! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"Boys who are stupid are irritating." I continued eating my muffin quickly before I could spit it out again.

"Good thing I'm not stupid then." He huffed and sat back down.

"Sure.." Chelsie said beside me. I nudged her and smiled. She smiled back and continued eating her food.

No one talked for a while so I decided to break the silence. "So guys! Are we still on for later?" I looked around as everybody nodded and mumbled a yes.

"Hey Roman, have you invited that friend of yours?" I looked at him as I took another bite.

"Yeah." He nodded. "His name is Carter. He's a pretty funny guy."

I heard Chelsie's breath hitch then gripped my arm. I looked at her and waggled my eyebrows. She had that excited look on her face which made me laugh.

"Cool." I said, turning my attention back to Roman. He just nodded and continued eating.

"Oh yah! Hey Lara Mae, you should invite Jake and Maria."

"Ok. I'll tell them later. But I'm not sure if they would actually go." She shrugged.

"It's ok. Just let them know that they're invited to come hang out with us."

"Ok." She smiled.

A couple of mintues later, the bell rang. We all bid each other bye and that we'd see each other after school.

Chelsie and I threw away our trash and made our way to class. Hmm... I wonder why Roman suddenly became quiet when Denis came..

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe Carter is coming!" She squeeled silently.

"I know right? Now you'll have more fun." I winked at her. As we reached the door, I quickly mumbled to her. "F*ck this sh*t."


I'm sorry again for not updating last week. And I'm sorry if it's short. The next chapter will be kinda long though.. So yeah.

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