Zeus Vs Modern Transportation

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Zeus got off the bus in a place called Strasburg, Virginia, in hopes of finding whatever people in this world eat. He walked down a street and discovered a large yellow arch beckoning him from the sidewalk. Inside, Zeus was quick to order "#4" (what the person in front of him ordered) and pay the limited amount that the woman at the cash register required him to.

The food given to him was terrific. It was almost better than the Nectar he had been required to drink back on Mt. Olympus. The burger he was tasting had all different kinds of meat inside it and all the different things inside it included a lot of different types of filler and sauces. It made his mouth water and made all his senses lift in pleasure. He finished the huge burger and left the building in hopes of finding a way to Hollywood and snacking on this McDonalds and becoming famous at the same time.

As he was walking down the street of Strasburg, he discovered a large building with the words "Bus Station" on the sign above it. He approached the main booth and began talking to the woman behind the counter.

"So little lady, what do I have to do to get to Hollywood?"

The woman laughed, "Darling, you're not going to be able to go all the way to Los Angeles on a bus from Strasburg, Virginia." She began looking at a computer screen. "The next bus leaves in thirty minutes; it's going to Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport where you may be able to get on a flight. The ticket will be twenty dollars. How will you be paying?"

Zeus pushed a twenty dollar bill under the glass, and with a seductive wink, he asked, "And how would a man like me be able to get on a flight?"

The middle-aged woman shook her head and laughed to herself, "I don't really know how to answer that since that is not my area. There should be someone at the airport who could tell you. Now hurry along, so you don't miss your bus." The woman ushered him along to the other side of the building.

Zeus found his bus and got on. He settled in one of the padded seats and began surfing through different games that Instagram promoted. He posted a selfie of himself with the requisite "duck face" with about twenty or thirty hashtags and emojis. His number of followers increased to 20 people, nowhere near Kim Kardashian's 1+ million. But using a simple logarithm, Zeus knew that in a few months he would have 100 followers, which had to be close!

Because 100 is obviously the same as 1,000,000.

The bus ride was long and filled with the same amount of discomfort as the portal to this world had been. Zeus was so exhausted, and he didn't understand why. As a god, he never got exhausted. Exasperated, sure; horny, always; terrified of his wife, obviously (not enough to stop cheating on her). But he never got so exhausted he thought he would pass out in an unknown area.


It was as if he was slowly drifting into sleep. . . slowly. . . slowly.

Zeus' eyes opened, and he saw the familiar surroundings of his bedroom back at Mt. Olympus. It was a dream! It was all a dream!

"Yes!" he shouted and looked to his side to see a sleeping figure he did not recognize at all. She did not stir as he lept out of bed and got ready. He ran through the hallways of his palace and finally made it to the very high and large balcony that looks over the area around Mt. Olympus.

"Why are you screaming at the top of your lungs, you prick?" He heard Hera shout through the doorway that was a couple of doors down.

It's hard to admit, but Zeus had even missed Hera's nagging.

He just wanted his powers back.

He just wanted to have his kingdom back.


What? NO! He was back home; he was safe again!

"Wake up, you idiot."

Zeus was being shaken awake by the bus driver. Back to the reality that would be full of junk food, no powers, and no kingdom. Zeus got up in a rather depressed state and walked out of the bus. The airport was in front of him, and he was able to walk up into the almost abandoned building.

Right outside, there was a man waving a ticket in the air. Zeus walked up to him, "How much do you want for the ticket, Mister?"

The man stopped shouting, "A hundred bucks," he said and held out the ticket. Zeus took the ticket. . . without paying him. . . and ran.

"Thanks for the free ride," Zeus called behind him as he entered the building. He ran as fast as he could to get to wherever the ticket would take him.

In a seemingly unrealistic way, Zeus somehow made it to the gate and was able to enter the airplane without any problems (Which was rather odd now in retrospect).

It was as if an invisible god (who might have lots of bets waging on whether or not Zeus would make it to Hollywood) was making sure that Zeus was going to get to wherever the ticket would take him.

Zeus got on the plan and was so involved with his phone that he didn't realize they were flying until he looked out the window miles above the ground. How could MERE MORTALS discover the power of flight, Zeus wondered to himself as he looked around the nearly empty plane. The world was beneath him, and he was almost to. . . Nashville, Tennessee, which had to be close to Hollywood.

It had to be.

Boy, was he in for a treat!

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