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The Ice King was sitting on his throne at Polar Peak. He got up and descended into the castle. The Ice King found himself standing in a meeting room. There was a glow at where The Ice Queen used to sit before she disappeared mysteriously. The Ice King approached the glow. "What is this?" The Ice King said. He was getting ready to touch it. The glow started to flash and grow. The Ice King stood back. The glow moved from the seat to in front of The Ice King. The glow started to change it's shape from a simple ball to the shape of a human. Clothes started to shape on the figure. More features started to appear. The Ice King started to realize what the glow is forming. The Ice Queen. The Ice King's glowing eyes widened. The Ice Queen was standing right in front of him. "How the hell did you do that!?" The Ice King yelled. "No time to explain! When you get the time to tell Malcore about this, tell him. I figured out that while you were being all sad that you thought I died or something, your brother, The Fire King has been up to something near Wailing Woods. It's going to be pretty bad so we need to stop him!" The Ice Queen said. The Ice King nodded. He held out his hand, and his scepter started to form in his hand. "Let's get to work."


There was a Durr Burger party at Retail Row. Drift, Fate, Lynx, and Crackshot were there. Lynx was wearing her armor without her helmet. The armor surged with energy. There were Durr Burger soldiers at the entrances to block out any enemies like Tomato-Heads. As Drift and the others entered Retail Row, a teenager around the age of 17 or 18 wearing a onesie with a Durr Burger pattern on it walked up to them. "Hello, welcome to the Durr Burger party! We are selling burgers half priced today! My name is Onesie, call me if you need anything. Drift and the others got burgers and got seats. "She's kind of cute." Crackshot said, looking at Onesie. Drift smiled. After eating their burgers, they all heard a noise. It sounded like somebody was struggling. Specifically somebody is under attack. "What is that noise?" Lynx asked, concerned. Lynx heard running. From behind the Durr Burger building came a Tomato-Head. He ran towards a Durr Burger mascot and started to strangle him to death. "Holy shit!" Somebody in the distance yelled. The Tomato-Head got a hold of Onesie. Onesie started to kick at the Tomato-Head. Lynx got out of her seat. "Hey you! Tomato-bitch, get off of her!" Lynx yelled. "What are you doing!?" Fate whispered. "I know what I'm doing." The Tomato-Head looked at Lynx and dropped Onesie. Onesie has had tears in her eyes. The Tomato-Head walked over to Lynx. Lynx got her claws ready to slash. Lynx tried to make one slash at the Tomato-Head. The Tomato-Head was able to grab Lynx's wrist before her claws reached him. Lynx tried to wiggle free. The Tomato-Head rammed his knee into Lynx's stomach. She vomited. Drift got out of his seat. "Stay back or she dies." The Tomato-Head threatened. The Tomato-Head let go of Lynx's wrist. She fell to the floor unconscious. The Tomato-Head kneeled down in front of Lynx. Lynx started to wake up. The Tomato-Head out his hand on Lynx's face. He rubbed his finger on her cheek. "So adorable. So weak." The Tomato-Head whisper. "Stop touching her!" Drift yelled. The Tomato-Head looked at Drift. The Tomato-Head started looking through his pocket. He grabbed out a shockwave grenade and threw it in the table Drift and the others were at. "Oh sh-" Drift was cut off by the shockwave grenade exploding, launching them all away. Drift hit his head on a brick wall, rendering him unconscious. The Tomato-Head picked up Lynx and stared at her. Lynx was about to fall asleep. Blood was coming out of her nose. "Sleep." The Tomato-Head said. Lynx slowly closed her eyes. The Tomato-Head took Lynx with him back to Tomato Temple.

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