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"What are we going to do now!?" Brite Bomber whispered. "If we make a wrong move, he will be able to easily kill us!" "I have an idea, stay here." Drift whispered. Drift loaded his deagle. His heart was racing. Drift took a deep breath and popped up from behind the rock, with his hands in the air. "I mean no harm!" Drift yelled. The Reaper and his men had their guns pointed at Drift. The Reaper stared at Drift. It seemed like he knew him from some place before. The Reaper slowly lowered his gun. His men did what he did. As they were caught off guard, Drift whipped out his deagle and fired at the five guards and The Reaper. He only managed to hit two. Drift quickly pulled down behind the rock. "We're probably going to die." Drift said. "At least we'll die fighting." Brite Bomber said, zooming from behind the rock and aiming for the guards with her AR. She managed to shoot one. She jumped over the rocks and header for The Reaper. "Come at me!" She yelled. The Reaper peered over the mossy rock to see Brite Bomber holding an AR getting ready to open fire. "This'll be fun." The Reaper said, reloading his rifle.


Lynx lay in the worn out bed in Tomato Temple. She was worn out from hours of Tomato King torturing her. Tomato King walked back into her room. "Please no." Lynx whispered, yanking at the handcuffs. "I'm nowhere near done." Tomato King said, taking off his belt. A wave of fear hit here. "Not again!" Lynx whined, shutting her eyes. "Freeze!" A voice yelled. Onesie zipped around the corner, and then a Durr-Burger followed her around the corner. They both had pistols aimed for Tomato King's head. "Hey! put the gun down. Let's be rational." Tomato King said. "I had enough of your fucking bullshit!" Onesie yelled, pulling the trigger. Blood splattered all over the wall and Tomato King's body fell to the ground. Onesie stared at the dead body. The Durr-Burger looked over at at Lynx. She was horrified. She was hyperventilating. Scars were all over her body and she had stained blood almost all over her "lower area." The Durr-Burger walked over to Lynx and shot the shackles. Lynx sat up in the bed and blushed, looking down at her exposed body. She picked up the white disk that concealed her suit from off the floor and slapped it onto her chest. Her entire suit sprang from the tiny disk and covered her entire body. The Durr-Burger's eyes widened under his suit. Lynx cracked fingers and got up. Her legs were shaky and almost couldn't walk. She slowly walked out of Tomato Temple with Onesie and the Durr-Burger. They all were walking through a part of the tropical forest, once they got out, freedom was the only thing that crossed Lynx's mind. She looked around. She could see the giant Durr-Burger head and Tomato Head at Retail Row. "I'll head back home, guys." Lynx said, tired. Onesie nodded as she and the Durr-Burger headed to Retail Row. Lynx started to walk back home, she stared up at the sky. The stars dazzled like diamonds. Some comets shot by every once in awhile. Lynx looked to her right. She saw some of the outposts at Loot Lake. She heard gunfire and she immediately ducked down. She peered at what was going on through a bush. Suddenly the gunfire stopped. A loud sound came from Loot Lake, followed by a vibration. The giant metal circle in the middle started slowly opening up as the five runes glowed. A giant beam shot up from the circle. The light got brighter and brighter until a the light made a huge flash. Lynx shut her eyes at the sight. The sight of Loot Lake was burned into her retina. Once she opened her eyes, which felt like hours later. She wasn't hiding in the grass behind a bush. She was floating in a bright void. People were floating around her. "What the hell?" Onesie said, floating next to Lynx. Everyone began to sink and land onto a non-existent floor. Lynx started running. She was extremely slow at first but gained speed. She jumped up. There was little to no gravity. Lynx saw DJ Bop walked over to her. "Where were you?" She asked. "Long story." Lynx said, looking around. There was a giant orb ahead. Dark matter spewed out of it as it flashed all sorts of light colors. There was a desk in front of it. The desk had a radio playing faint music, a book and a pencil, and a strange helmet. Six pillars stood on the ground, slightly glowing. Something different was in the middle of each pillar. DJ Bop's eyes widened. "Are those what I think they are?" She said. "Yes." Onesie replied. The vaulted items. They were inside of the vault. Lynx started at each pillar. Bouncer, Grappler, Drum Gun, Planes, Tactical SMG, and the Infinity Blade. Lynx looked up at the pillar in front of her. The Drum Gun. She placed her hand on the pillar. It felt like delicate glass but seemed like it was as strong as stone. An unfamiliar face to Lynx stepped in front of the Drum Gun's pillar, next to Lynx. Ruin. Drift and Brite Bomber stepped behind him. It was a relief to Lynx to see them. Ruin looked down at his pickaxe slammed it into the Drum Gun pillar. "Drum Gun, huh? Give me that!" Some soccer player said, slamming her pickaxe into the pillar. "Oh shut up, you sweat." Her squad-mate said. More people crowded around some of the other pillars and slammed their pickaxes into it over and over again. Almost everyone wanted the Drum Gun. The pillar began cracking. It cracked even more and more until pieces of the glass started lingering from the pillar as a loud noise was heard. The Drum Gun floated out of the pillar. It spun around until a small flash teleported it away. There was silence. "It's back?" A voice guessed. "Yea!" Drift and Crackshot yelled together. Everyone cheered. The orb in the middle started to glow brighter and brighter until it flashed, teleporting everyone back to the island. Everyone was clinging to the glider in the air. Everything seemed peaceful besides the sky's red and black color. "Everyone look at the volcano!" A voice yelled. Everyone's focused on the giant heap of rock. There was a huge amount of smoke pouring out of the volcano as lava leaked from the top. "Holy shit." Drift said. Brite Bomber and Lynx looked each other with the same terrified look, hanging from their gliders. The volcano rumbled. A loud boom was heard as a giant lava bomb was shot out. It shot into the top of the sky but then came down, slamming into Retail Row, almost completely destroying it. "No!" Onesie yelled. "Fire King never said anything about this." Ruin said. A lava bomb even bigger than the one before shot out of the volcano. It screamed towards the snowy biome and smashed into Polar Peak. What Fire King said awhile back was ringing through Drift's mind. I'll avenge my daughter. Polar Peak was almost completely cracked. If the lava bomb was any bigger, Polar Peak would've been destroyed. From the impact, one of the scout towers on top of the iceberg crumbled and crashed into the ground, bricks scattering. The volcano started rumbling again. A chunk of molten rock and lava came out of the side as another lava bomb shot into the sky. It exploded mid-air, leaving four smaller bombs. They all one by one smashed their way into Tilted Towers, destroying small buildings and apartments. Suddenly, the volcano rumbled as the very top of the volcano exploded. A lava bomb bigger than the previous three shot out of the volcano. It screamed towards Tilted Towers and finished the job. The volcano returned to a peaceful state as smoke came from the top. Everyone started gliding back to the ground. Everyone was speechless. Onesie started building ramps to higher ground. She stared at what was left of Retail Row. Her job, and her home. Gone. She stared at it all in disbelief. The Durr-Burger that aided Lynx's escape from Tomato Temple, Zenith ran up to Onesie. Before Zenith started working at Durr-Burger, he used to snowboard and ski. He did this all the time when he was a kid and lived in Beijing. He came to the Fortnite island for more of a thrill and got what he wanted. Zenith took off the Durr-Burger mask, revealing his dark, spiky hair. He put his hand on Onesie's shoulder. "Now what?" Zenith questioned. Onesie clenched her fists. "My home is gone! My job is gone! Everything I worked my ass off to get, gone! My dog was in there! I hope she escaped." Onesie yelled. She felt a tear go down her face. Zenith never saw her sad. It was almost like it was painful for him to see Onesie like that.

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