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Lynx was brought to Tomato Temple. The Tomato-Head that kidnapped Lynx placed Lynx in a room that was deep inside the temple. Other Tomato-Heads were in that room including the Tomato King. A Tomato-Head with tribal paint on him, ripped sleeves, and of course, a crown. Lynx looked at the Tomato-Head that kidnapped her. She was able to see what resembled a name tag. It looked like it read Jackson. "What do you have here?" The Tomato King asked. "A prisoner. She was working with the Durr Burgers. She has friends that'll probably come to retrieve her. They do not stand a chance against us, my king." Jackson said. The Tomato King nodded. Jackson stared down at Lynx. Lynx's glasses were cracked. "She was working with the Durr Burgers so that means we torture her. Just like all the other Durr Burgers!" The Tomato King exclaimed. All of the Tomato-Heads in the room started to cheer. The Tomato King got out of his seat and walked over to Lynx. "Stand up." The Tomato King told her. Lynx wobbly got up. The Tomato King grabbed her cracked glasses. "I can fix those for you. If you survive." The Tomato King said. "Eat my ass, bitch!" Lynx yelled. The Tomato King had a disappointed expression under his mask. The disappointed expression became a smirk, which became laughter. The Tomato King slammed Lynx onto the wall. "Gah! My head!" Lynx yelled. Lynx felt the back of her head. Lynx pulled her hand away to see blood in her hand. The blood was slowly dripping down her suit. The Tomato King kicked Lynx over. "If you survive, tell the Durr Burgers we're coming for them." The Tomato King said. The Tomato King pulled something out of his pocket. A syringe. Some purple liquid with with hints of black was in it. "What's that? Get it away from me!" Lynx yelled crawling away. The Tomato King caught up to Lynx, got down, and grabbed her hair. He shoved it down and stabbed Lynx in the neck with the syringe. The Tomato King injected the liquid. Lynx passed out instantly. "That should kill her." The Tomato King said, and walked away. Leaving Lynx to die.


Lynx woke up to see Drift kneeling over her. "You woke up!" Drift whispered. "I came here after that Tomato-Head guy kidnapped you. I thought he'd kill you or even rape you." Drift saw something in Lynx's neck. Exactly where the Tomato King injected that stuff onto Lynx. "What is that?" Drift asked, pointing to the purple and black mark on Lynx's neck. Lynx out her hand on the mark. She was able to feel it. It had a weird sand paper feel to it. Lynx noticed it branched out like veins down her suit. "Its in my suit." Lynx realised. Lynx took off apart of her chestplate. There was a huge purple and black mark that branches off like veins covering the top of her left breast. Lynx was scared and confused. "Oh shit! I know what this is! You need to drink this slurp juice now!" Drift yelled, handing Lynx a slurp juice. Lynx chugged the slurp juice down. Lynx paused for a moment. Pain surged through where the mark was above her breast. Lynx fell backwards, yelling. The mark started to disappear. Lynx stopped yelling. She was hyperventilating. The mark disappeared. Drift carefully put the chestplate price back onto Lynx's suit. "What was that?" Lynx asked. "You don't want to know. Let me just say, do not let that same stuff touch you again, ever!" Drift said. Even from looking at Drift's mask, Lynx knew Drift was being dead serious.

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