Chapter Nine

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What do you guys think of Holland Roden being Amelia?


Chapter Nine of My Lullaby

After some time had passed, and she had kept staring at his wound she unbuckles herself and climbs over into the front seat. "What are you doing?" He asked as she settles herself in the front seat, strapping the seat belt around her. He still had that same look on his face even when he didn't look at her. She got a glimpse of the speed dial and gasped as she saw he was pushing 100 mph. "Slow down! The speed limit is 75 not 100!" She exclaimed as she held onto her seat belt as if it could protect her. All he did was turn his head and look at her with his cold eyes. This made her freak out as he wasn't looking at the road. She pointed at the road and cried, "Look at the road! Look at the road!!" He took his time to turn his eyes back at the road though. She figured he wouldn't slow down and just sat rigid in the front seat before getting distracted by his bleeding wound. "You should really get that looked at." She said glancing at his face. He did not turn to her or say anything for a while. She signed. She figured he was going to hold a grudge against her. 

"I am fine." The response was slow and low. She glanced down at his soaked shirt. "It doesn't look fine. You've gotten blood everywhere." And he truly has. The blood couldn't be absorbed anymore in his shirt so it began to work on his pants and the seat. He glanced down and frowned as if noticing now what was happening. "Do you have a first aid kit somewhere?" She asked figuring this was his car. He wouldn’t want to get it all dirty with his blood. "If you pull over I could just make it so that you won't bleed all over your car." She said trying to be helpful. He glanced at her before looking back at the road. "This isn't my car." He announced and she had a dreaded feeling that he had stole it. He continued though, “I am not pulling over so that you could have another chance to escape. No, we are staying in this car." She frowned. "I wasn't going to try and escape..." She began but finding no words to refute. She still hadn't come to a decision if she should escape or not. It seemed logical to escape and get away from her kidnapper but when she did that, well...things didn't go so well. She had an odd feeling that, that was going to happen every time she tried to escape. She wondered if her family had notice if she was gone yet. It had been a day or maybe two. She had lost track of the days since she kept passing out all the time. She wondered if people were looking for her.

She shook her head though as she tried not to think of home. She got mixed feelings of longing and hatred. Instead she looked at the other. "Please just let me fix your wound, it needs to stop bleeding." She begged thinking that she was going to stay bothered until she could do something for him as a return for saving her from Dante, as well as it kept her from thinking other things. He glanced at her, gave her a frown with a sign before stating, "There should be a first aid kit under the back seat. But I am not pulling over." He growled the last statement before going back to staring at the road.

Amelia signed in relief before climbing to the back seat and finding the first aid kit under the seat. She then climbed back in to the front seat again. She was going to buckle herself up again but since he won't pull over she would have to lean over toward him and work like that. The seat belt would make it very hard for her to do that but she didn't like being without it since he was speeding. She glanced at him before opening the first aid kit and getting out what she knew she needed to just stop the bleeding and to clean it. She set the rest of the first aid kit on the ground as she pulled her feet onto the seat. She glanced at him and stating, “I’m going to clean it now, okay?” She waited for a response but didn’t get anything. She bit her lip. She was nervous. He could do anything to her when she was distracted and close to him. He could try to kill her like he’d killed Dante. A shiver went through her being as she sat there and pondered. She bit her lip again more forcefully this time to help clear her mind. If he had wanted to do something to her he would have done it by now. She stuck with that thought before leaning closer toward him. When she was midway toward him he glowered down at her, "What are you doing?" She froze and just stared at him. She would be lying if she told someone he didn't scare her to death. She swallowed, her heart beating in chest as her mind raced once more. “Y-you said I could fix your wound…but you won’t pull over s-so I have to do it here...” She looked at him as he stared at her before signing. "Whatever." He mumbled as he looked back at the road. This made her more nervous to be doing this and before she continued she mumbled out, “Please don't crash." 

She leaned in closer until she was able to reach his waist area. She glanced up at him before she gently took hold of the sticky shirt and peeled it away from the wound. This seemed to cause pain since she saw his muscles flex. Where the shirt had been teared she was able to flip the fabric out of the way leaving the wound exposed and the bare skin around it as well. It looked horrible. She felt nauseas as she looked at the wound. She had to take deep breathes to keep herself steady. When she felt like she was a little steadier she took out a cotton ball with a sanitizing agent on it. As gently as she could she tried to clean the bloodied surface. Every time she got near the puncture holes, his muscles would flex. When she would look up at him she could see his jaw tighten, clenching, as he looked straight ahead. When it was clean as it could be with new blood constantly seeping out slowly, she taped cotton gauzes to his flesh that would cover the wound. His wound was weird and made her think again. Instead of being a straight line of open flesh or a zig-zag line, it was more like a bit mark. There were four puncture holes. Two deep and severe the other two just seemed to have tapped the surface of his skin.

She pulled away quickly cleaning her hands and cleaning up the first aid kit stuff. She then set it back on the floor. She hugged her knees to her chest after she buckled herself up again. When she looked back at his wound at the gauze, it already had a bloody dot appearing on it. She frowned. "You should change that every few hours." She glanced up at his face. His jaw was not clenched anymore but he still had that cold look on his face. She signed. She figured nothing had changed and she glanced out of the front window. The sky was changing to night, the sun slowly disappearing behind the clouds and trees. 

"Thank you." The words were spoken softly. She looked at the other and smiled. "You're welcome. I hope it helps." She doubted that she made things better. She was never good with mending people's wounds but she would always try. She suddenly wondered again what his name is. When she asked for it he gave her silence and now she just kept calling him her kidnapper. She looked at him curiously, "What is your name?" He glanced back at her. He seemed to have a painful, tired expression on his face. "My name is Lucian Verdaunzes the fifth." She blinked surprised at how fancy his name sounded. She wanted to try and say it since it sounded so pretty when she had heard it. When she tried speaking it though she butchered his last name. She frowned and was about to apologized for ruining such a lovely name when he pronounced his last name slowly, and deliberately, obviously correcting her. She tried again and again eventually getting it on the seventh try. She laughed at her mistakes and she noticed the corner of his lips perked upwards. This made her happy. He couldn't stay mad forever. But after having asked about his name other questions had popped into her head. They were the same ones that hadn't been answered the night before. Or she figured it was the night before. She yawned while glancing over at Lucian. He didn't look that mad anymore. She wanted to keep it that way for a while. She still felt terrified of him and thus deciding to save her questions for tomorrow. She didn’t want to anger him. She didn’t know what he would do with her and she didn’t want to push her luck. She yawned again, noticing that it was now night outside. She wondered how long it had been night. She figured not long. She was about to yawn again when Lucian spoke, “You should get some sleep." Her yawn was stopped as she tried to figure out what to do. She figured he was right. Even if he was right though she didn’t trust him. She had seen him kill Dante. He could do the same with her and what better way to do it when she was sleeping. But she figured once again that if he truly did want to harm her he would have already. She pulled her knees closer to her chest and turned sideways so that she was leaning against the door. She laid her head down and closed her eyes, trying to fall asleep. Surprisingly sleep came fast to her but her dreams were nightmares.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2014 ⏰

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