Goodnight, Bad Morning

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Mikaelson Compound:
"Hey Jeremy what's up", Bonnie said picking her phone up in one hand and packing on the other, "Yeh we all are coming tomorrow, okay I'll tell Elena love you bye", Bonnie said and tossed her phone on the couch nearby.

Bonnie walked down the hallway and was planning to tell Elena about Jeremy calling her and saying hi but as she entered Elena's room, she saw Elena's lips on Elijah's.

Bonnie stood there awkwardly for a while and then finally grew impatient and decided to cough loud enough for both of the vampires to hear, Elena turned around and looked at Bonnie like she had just ruined her dream moment but she unwillingly went out with her anyways.

Elijah smiled to himself and retraced his lips, he could still feel the doppelgangers lips on his and he craved for more. He didn't know how to tell Hayley, but he didn't care that deeply about her as much as he cared about Elena.
She made him feel this burning sensation and her smile always made his mood bright up.

Bonnie walked into her room with Elena following her in a complete silence. Bonnie sat on the bed and crossed her arms looking at Elena expecting her to have an proper explanation. Elena sat on a nearby chair and began to explain.

"Umh", she said not knowing what else to say, Bonnie shook her head and spoke, "Elena, don't you know his with Hayley", Elena looked at her friend in embarrassment and then replied, "yes I know but he said that she seems like she doesn't care about him and then we spoke for awhile and the next we knew was we were kissing", Elena said smiling about just the thought of her kissing Elijah.

Bonnie saw how happy Elena looked and couldn't stop herself from asking, "how do you feel about him then", she said putting her hands in her laps.
Elena shook her head and said, "I don't know, it's like something I haven't felt before, it's like I want him", she said putting her head in her hands.

Bonnie walked over to her friend and sat on the chair next to her, "how about Damon, did you feel the same way", Bonnie said waiting for Elena to speak, Elena blinked her eyes a couple of times and then said, "no this is different, it's just I get excited and nervous everytime I'm around Elijah and with Damon it was more straightforward like he was my friend type of boyfriend", Elena said sounding ashamed.

Bonnie looked the ceiling and then at Elena, "I'm not against your decision, you can choose to be with whom ever you want", Bonnie said reassuring Elena, "and by the way I'm pretty sure that your in love with him", Bonnie said giggling a bit, not taking it seriously.

Elena then stood up, "but I don't know how he feels about me and i guess this was our goodbye kiss", Elena said sadly, Bonnie stood up and hugged her friend, "are you dumb", Bonnie said, "if he doesn't care about you then why would he kiss you then",

Elena thought about what her friend had just said, "well anyways, I'm sure you'll meet more guys back in mystic falls", Bonnie said squeezing Elena's cheeks, Elena doubted that she would find someone new, "I think we should finish packing", Bonnie said.

After a while or so they finished packing and they were all downstairs ready to leave for mysticfalls.

Caroline came down the stairs, she was glowing and she looked like she had a really goodnight with Klaus, Bonnie and Elena chuckled and spoke, "well someone had a goodnight", Caroline looked at them smiling and when she saw Klaus coming down the stairs she blushed shyly.

Klaus walked up to Caroline and had a chat with her, after what felt like a few minutes the next thing was they were kissing in front of everyone, Klaus pulled out of the kiss smiling with his dimples showing. Caroline blushed like a red tomato which made everyone around laugh uncontrollably until Elijah came down stairs, they all turned serious still chuckling a bit.

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