Revealing my Secret

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As Elijah swished away from Elena's apartment, he found himself stranded on the streets. He didn't know where he would head of to and just as he was about to speed out of mystic falls he caught eye of the mystic grill.

He took the opportunity to swish in and take a seat opposite the bartender.
A few seconds later a blonde male bartender came upfront to him and asked, "what would you like sir," Elijah ignored the bartender's question and sat still looking at the floor, "I'm guessing by your expression, your having one damn hell of a day, in that case one prosecco coming right up," the bartender said and went of to fetch the drink.

Elijah hadn't heard anything the bartender was telling him as he was already too carried away in his thoughts about Elena.

He began thinking about turning his humanity off but he knew that wouldn't do him any good.
The anger, pain and rage was overwhelming him that he even broke the glass drink the bartender gave him.

Just as he was about to attack the bartender next, someone said his name from beside him, "Elijah Mikaelson, didn't expect to see you here," the voice said, Elijah turned around to face whomever it was,

"Alaric Saltzman, what a pleasant surprise," Elijah said with his rage cooling down a bit.

"Mind if I sit here," Alaric said sitting down anyways without waiting for Elijah's conformation.

"Damn you look like one big bag full of shit," Alaric said getting a bottle of beer, "tell me about it", Elijah said whilst he watched Alaric get both of them a beer, he passed one to Elijah and they both sat talking about their day.

It was mostly Alaric that was talking, Elijah didn't want to share his crappy day with Alaric so he decided to stay quiet. They both spent the night drinking, Alaric didn't have any official reason for why he was drinking but Elijah did, He was dealing with too much pain and the only thing that made it better and healed it was by drinking.

They both were so drunk, Alaric was more drunk than Elijah as he was a human. They both got out of the bar and decided to walk clumsily down the dark streets of mystic falls. At first they were quite but Alaric spoke to break the silence, "so Elijah, I've heard you kinda like Elena," Alaric said half asleep, Elijah now stopped him and spoke, "nope you're wrong there," Elijah said pointing at him and smirking, "I love her not like," he said teasingly, Alaric nodded his head and replied back, "yep noted," and they both started laughing helplessly.

Both of them separated their ways after Elijah dropped him of at the boarding school, he himself couldn't walk properly as he was so intoxicated of all he'd had to drink today. He began to feel slightly dizzy but he managed to make it to the Mikaelson Compound.

Mikaelson Compound:
Klaus, Kol, Rebekah, Davina and Marcel were all crowded in the lounge, waiting patiently for Elijah to arrive. They were worried that he had decided to leave, or something worse but their thoughts were wronged when they saw a very drunk Elijah walking through the door, he looked really unstable as if he were about to collapse any moment.

"Seems like someone's had fun," Klaus said sounding very displeased.

"Hello to you too," Elijah said in a buzzed manner making Klaus rub his forehead in disappointment.

Klaus and Kol both now tried and struggled to take Elijah back to his room, "this is the last time I'm doing this," Kol said whilst him and Klaus both put Elijah to bed.

"Never saw that one coming," Klaus said slightly intrigued of Elijah's sudden behavior.

Kol realised what the reason was behind Elijah drinking, it was Elena.

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