His A Monster

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Mikaelson Compound:
Kol was listening to all the 'arguing' that was going on between Elena and Elijah, he couldn't help but smile as he thought about his own plan to get back at Elijah. Davina was asleep while he laid awake beside her, he wanted revenge on his brother so that it was even between them both because he still hadn't forgiven Elijah for daggering him and for killing the women he loved. He finally came up with an evil idea and he smirked to himself evily just thinking about it.

Elijah's Room:

"I'm in love with you!"
As Elijah heard those words, those wonderful words that he had been longing come out of her mouth he froze instantly, gulping. His heart was having trouble beating as it was throbbing against his chest wildly as she stared at him.

He didn't realise the amount of control she had over him, she understood him in any way possible, even better than his own blood did and she was his Savior from becoming the beast that he was afraid he would become one day.

He didn't believe her but her eyes were shining with love, "no no you- don't love me," Elijah said with hesitation, he mentally tried to put up walls that no one could break through, he thought he was alone in his journey of depression and loneliness but she had already broken through those walls and made him feel otherwise.

She took his hand in hers and held it against her chest up to her heart, "listen to my heart beat Elijah, do you think I'm lying now,"I love you!," she said in a convincing and truthful tone.

She took his hand in hers and held it against her chest up to her heart, "listen to my heart beat Elijah, do you think I'm lying now,"I love you!," she said in a convincing and truthful tone

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Elijah did as he was told, he listened to her heartbeat. Usually if she was lying it would beat faster but now it was beating slowly, which meant she wasn't lying and was actually being truthful.

That was enough for Elijah to hear, he removed his hand and immediately looked to the floor so that he would avoid the look in her eyes, even though he loved her like the most precious and valuable thing in the world, he still didn't want to be loved as he was afraid that his heart would be stolen and broken or either he would care too much and he would eventually loose her.

She cupped the side of his face and forced him to look at her, into her eyes.

"Elijah, I love you", she said whilst gazing into his eyes, It was unbelievable how she drew him towards her just with the loving look in her eyes, the eyes that he could no longer resist even though he tried to avoid them, he had no luck

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"Elijah, I love you", she said whilst gazing into his eyes, It was unbelievable how she drew him towards her just with the loving look in her eyes, the eyes that he could no longer resist even though he tried to avoid them, he had no luck. He inclined his face toward hers in a slow motion as if he were compelled to do so.

A split second later he smashed his lips onto hers, which she accepted freely. For a long time he had resisted and restrained his feeling towards her but he had failed to do so, her lips were filled with deep astonishment which made it even harder for him to pull out.

She had the power to open up his stitched up and blocked off soul by how she ruled him, put him off, lured him back, challenged him and made him feel like he wasn't alone.

She surprised him by the way she wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him in closer, deepening the kiss. Even though she had kissed many times with different people, this kiss would've bet all of them, it could even break open the sky.
Elijah could no longer control himself, he wasn't close enough and he demanded more, he pinned her up against a nearby wall and gazed into her eyes intensely, cherishing the dreamy moment that he wished he had done long before.

He then leaned in closer so that there was no space between them, closing the gap he looked into her eyes and saw that she was enjoying the moment just as much as he was, her breath was taken away by his touches

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He then leaned in closer so that there was no space between them, closing the gap he looked into her eyes and saw that she was enjoying the moment just as much as he was, her breath was taken away by his touches.

He pulled out looking down at her, he was about to step back but she held him tight, that was enough for him to handle so he smashed his lips onto hers again, he kissed her with all the love that he had been holding back.

The kiss was more harder and deeper then the previous one with a more fervent urgent need, they were going to take it to the next level until they heard a throat clearing, they both pulled out and looked over to the doorway to see Caroline standing there hiding her smile by her hands.

"Sorry umh but Elena we need to go now," Caroline said as she burst into laughter by the scene in front of her, Elijah stood straight and pulled on a face that showed no emotions, he then walked around Caroline and outside the room as if nothing had happened, Elena started giggling in embarrassment as Elijah left the room.

Caroline ran up to Elena and hugged her, "I don't know why I even bothered coming here, I just ruined the most perfect make out scene," she said, Elena giggled and cleared her throat, "well umh I think I need to fix my self up so umh I'm going into the bathroom," she said trying to avoid Caroline's grin.

Caroline moved out of her way and gestured to the door, Elena nodded and then vampsped away into the hallway, she then bumped into Kol and apologized but he didn't say anything and stood there smirking, "why are you looking at me like that," Elena said acting innocent and hoping that he hadn't overheard her and Elijah's 'conversation', "like what," he said crossing his arms.

Elena just smiled it off and tried to get pass him to go to her room but he stood in front of her to stop her from Doing so, "Kol get out of my way before I kick your ass," she said pissed of but Kol didn't budge and instead he pinned her against the wall and ripped of her vervain bracelet, he then started compelling her, "do you truly love my brother," he said which she repeated and then replied back to, "yes I do love your brother."

He asked her a few more questions and then it was time for the official one, the one that he had planned on getting revenge on Elijah, he cleared his throat and started compelling her, "I want you to forget that Elijah loves you and that you love him, only remember that he is a monster and that you have pure hate for him in your heart," Kol said with an evil grin.

Elena repeated everything he said which meant that the compulsion had worked.

He wanted to be sure that it had worked so he asked her again, "who is Elijah Mikaelson," Elena replied back, "he is an original vampire, I hate him because he is a monster and he covers it up by his perfect suits and manners," she replied back.

Kol nodded in agreement and spoke, "Well that is quite right," Kol said as he let go of her.

When he was absolutely sure the compulsion had worked, he quickly vampsped away happily and got back to the sleeping Davina and slept next to her as if nothing had happened.

He slept in comfort like a new born baby that night.

What has Kol done Now, how will Elijah react to Elena's sudden change of emotions, will he be able to control the heartbreak or will it overwhelm him. Find Out In The Next Chapter. THE ORIGINALS V2.

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