Dai 14-sho

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In the morning, Sanford finally decided to get out of bed for a little. He still kept the blanket over him and that made Ace laugh seeing his boyfriend use the blanket as a cloak.
The gang didn't know Ace and Snake had a little affair and The two wanted it to stay that way. But, that was not all Ace was keeping from his gang. Although he was healed from the last incident, he still felt the knives in his lung poking though.(There isn't actually knives in his lungs). He didn't want to tell any of them. He didn't want anyone to worry.
"Bossss?" Snake asked, "Are you alright?" Ace and his friend was sitting on the porch of the hideout.
He sighed in pain, but still decided to lie. "I'm fine, luv" he lied, "Just still tired from last night." Snake frowned. "I knew we ssshouldn't of did that" Snake said blaming himself, "You musssst be having more assssthma attacksss after that. I'm sssorry."
Ace wrapped his arm around Sanford. "It's not your fault" Ace explained, "Dude, I was the one who wanted to have sex. You don't need to blame yourself and it's not asthma."
"It'sss jusst I don't want to harm you" Sanford said as he hugged his boss, "I love you". Ace hugged back and the words he said made Snake smile, "I love you, too"
Later on, Snake was sitting at the table, still wrapped in his blanket. Ace was in their room. Looking for an inhaler the doctor gave him. Ace knew it was not asthma. The doctor clearly said Ace was infected with so much gangrene that he is lucky to be alive. Ace sat down on the floor. He was afraid he wasn't going to live.

 He was afraid he wasn't going to live

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