Chapter 1: Tris

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        "Hey" I say to Tobias as I match my pace to his. "Beatrice!" My brother chastises. "Please, greet him politely!" I scowl at him. "Good morning Tobias, how are you?" I say as sarcastically as possible. "Hello Beatrice. I'm good thank you." I look at him and he smiles. I smile back. "Goodbye Caleb!" I say mockingly to my brother. I take my place at tobias's side. "Hey." he mumbles. We can't speak like this in front of other people. It's against the abnegation customs.

         We swerve off the main rode onto our little path. I slip my hand into his, after making sure nobody is around. Abnegation rejects physical affection. It's against the rules to hug, kiss, and even hold hands. "Sorry about my brother, he's ridiculous." "Tris I want to try something." I look at him. Tris is my nickname. He can only call me that when we are alone. "What do you mean?" he pulls me into an abandoned building. I lean against the wall as he paces in front of me. "Tobias are you ok?" I don't know what Tobias means to me. He is more than a friend. Every time I see him my heart flutters. He is the only person I can truly trust in Abnegation. The only issue is that we can't have boyfriends or girlfriends. There are no relationships until marriage. Also, what if he doesn't like me that way. I don't know what to do. "Tobias, there's something I need to tell you but I don't know how to say it." He looks up his eyes so blue, I could get lost in them. "Every time I'm around you, I'm happy, and I get this fluttering feeling in my chest an-" he crosses the room in two long strides and presses his lips to mine.

        At first I don't know what to do, my arms hanging limply at my sides. Hesitantly I loop my arms around his neck. His hands slide from my shoulders down to my hips. I've never felt like this before. My heart in my throat, I kiss him harder. I've never kissed anyone before, and I don't know how I know what I'm doing. Perhaps it's just instinct. He gently pushes me against the wall pressing his lean muscular body against mine. I slide my hands down his chest across his flat stomach. He spins us around. He pulls my legs up around his waist and slides to the floor. He lays down on his back and starts kissing all over my face. I sigh, heat instantly rushing into my face. Either he didn't hear me or he doesn't care because he just moves his mouth back onto mine.

        He moves his hands from my hips to my thighs and rolls over putting me beneath him. His hands keep going lower until he finds my dress hem. "Tobias." I freeze "We are going to be late for school." I whisper. He sighs and rolls off of me. "I'm sorry I just got nerv-" "No your right I shouldn't have let myself get carried away" He gets up and starts to walk away. "Please don't leave!" I cry, but he's already out the door.


HEY GUYS!!!! This is my first fanfic so I'm kinda nervous cause I don't know if it's good... anyway comment, vote, do whatever. HOPE YOU ENJOY!!! High Fives and Good Vibes! :)

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