Time to get that good shit

69 3 31

Pepe the meme queen, Medusa and the crusty bread were visiting Rory the racing cars crib. They were going to pick up the good shit.

The place was run down and on fire, the fire gave the place an extra flare that other buildings in area didn't have. People where running around and screaming for no god damn reason. Pepe thought they were pussy ass hoes.

The buggy they were pushing Medusa in got stuck in the cracks of the road a few times which set Medusa off to having a full blown seizure and a drive by shooting to take place right in front of them. She was snorting her baby powder so she calmed down right after.

They knocked on the door of the burning house- there was no answer. So the crackheads broke into the house.

The air was stuffy which caused Pepe to choke a little, the crusty bread and Medusa seemed to be unaffected by the smoking air.

"Where in the frickle frack is that ugly ass car" Medusa questions annoyed

"Probably fucking Lightning Mcqueen" Pepe replied

"Maybe we should've brought a camera along, that footage would've probably broke the internet like Kim Kardashian's ass did" She adds

"Fuck we could've monetised the video and got some coins" The bread comments

"YouTube's monetisation system is fucked, we wouldn't get anything- I was thinking of putting it up on Pornhub- that's where all the good shit is at baby" Medusa replied

"That's true"

"Pepe, Mr Bread- I mean Mum and Dad whatever the fuck you guys are to me- there's a threesome taking place" Medusa pipes in looking scarred

The couple looked in the direction Medusa was looking at and to their surprise one of the rooms had the door open and in there was indeed Rory the racing car, Lightning McQueen and Mater

The three cars were getting frisky. Medusa didn't even understand how car sex was possible- but it was apparently. It was also horrifying. No wonder the house was on bloody fire.

"What happened to this being Pg13" The crusty bread says confused

"I mean as long as we don't describe the act in detail it should be fine" some random voice in the sky says

"Hmm I suppose" he replies

Medusa started to sing candlelight by NCT Dream to cleanse her soul while closing her eyes and imaging herself with NCT Dream smoking some weed.

"Now footage of this would've broke the planet" The crusty bread comments

"No baby this would've broke the entire universe" Pepe replied

"Oi Rory we're here to collect the weed you told us about last night" The crusty bread exclaims

This causes all of the cars to scream I surprise. Apparently they weren't expecting an audience to watch them.

"What the fuck guys" Rory yells

"Dude you told us to come to this location at this exact time, it's not our fault that you guys were getting it on" Pepe says casually

"Oh shit I forgot- it's in the kitchen on the table- which is behind you" he answers

"Alright thanks bruv you can go back to shagging the other cars now" Pepe says

Rory smirks and closes the door to the room

"Well that was something" The crusty bread says

"To the kitchen we go" he added cutely

The family skip to the kitchen, the bag of weed promised was sitting on the table. They snatch it up and leave the burning house.

Dora the explorer was casually walking down the road, she had just come back from shopping- for once she wasn't stalking the crusty bread and his girl.

Though once she spotted the family she dropped everything and started snapping pictures of them, the cute family pictures broke the universe.

"Who knew such wholesome pictures could break the universe" Dora mumbled

"Who knew indeed" the random voice in the sky adds with a chuckle


ωαии нαѕт ∂υ gєвυятѕтαg?

Or in English a language I understand

When's your birthday you crackers

My German is limited I barely know shite

Soooooo I'm yeeting now

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