(8) "I love you"

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A few weeks after that night in Bucky's truck they were in his bed dripping sweat after another hot and steamy night of sex. "Oh god..baby what is it about you that makes me want to do that with you." Bucky said 

"I don't know but what ever it is keep doing it." she said as she laid there in his bed. 

He rolled over to face her and he cupped her cheek to make her look at him. He kissed her and he whispered "I love you " 

She swallowed hard and said "I um I l-l-love you too." 

"Briella you never stutter what is it?' he said as he caressed her cheek.

"I have never said those words to a boy  before.." she said 

"Not even to Declan you two dated for a year." he said 

She shook her head no.. " He would say it to me but I um I couldn't get the words to come out." she said 

"Briella Monroe Taylor you are a nervous wreck right now." he said as he scooted closer. 

"I um I have never really had a serious relationship or um I just um I'm a little tongue tied right now..I got a little freaked out when you said it to me. We still haven't really come out with our relationship. Are you sure that you love me? I mean I'm still very bossy and bitchy." she said

He kissed her and whispered "I'm very sure that I love you Briella. And it's okay to be a little scared right now this is very new for us. We haven't exactly been the best of friends and we have done a lot of things to each other to make the other one upset. But I love you Briella Monroe Taylor and open house..when we got to open house we will let the whole world know about us." 

She smiled and said "Really." 

"Yeah. " he said as he kissed her. 

The next day they rode to open house together in his truck. He opened the door for her and they interlaced their hands as he shut the door and they came around the truck. As they started to come up the parking lot every body started to stare and Drew said "What the hell.." 

All of Bucky's exes were there and Hadley said "Well that's not surprising" 

They walked into the school and got their schedules and parking passes. They walked around the school to figure out where their classes were and got their lockers. They met their friends back outside and they were comparing schedules as he kept his arms around her waist.  They went to the pizza place and had pizza with everyone that is part of their group. 

When the first day of school rolled around they walked in hand in hand and all day they heard the whispers. "How could they hate each other all this time and suddenly be together I bet were just putting on a show to keep us from seeing their real feelings"

"Briella must not be as bad as he mad her seem like or he wouldn't be dating her..."

By the end of the day Bucky could tell she had enough and she finally said 'Yes I' know I'm a boss bitch and yes we know that we said it for years that we hate each other. But for the love of fucking god shut the fuck up about us. Maybe just maybe feelings can change or maybe after having sex with each other for so long maybe just maybe we realized that we were lying to ourselves who the fuck cares I would greatly appreciate it if you all would shut up." 

"Briella baby' he said as he tried to calm her down. 

Sam said "Okay guys shows over." as he and Natasha shuffled everyone away.

Bucky pulled her away from everyone and said "Baby.. are you on your period or something I have never seen you snap like that." 

"No.. I just i'm tired and I'm in a really bad mood I think I'm pmsing like my period is suppose to come soon cause my boobs hurt and I just want to go to sleep. But I can't cause I have cheer and dance practice and a student council meeting and I just want to go to bed." she said as she started to cry. 

"Briella baby look at me what is the matter you never cry about being tired." he said 

"I don't know I just feel very emotional right now and I just want to go home and lay down next to you and sleep." she said as she wiped tears. 

"Okay baby let's go we can skip tonight and maybe tomorrow you'll feel better." he said as he kissed her and said "I love you baby and I love that you defended our relationship the way you did just now." 

She kissed him and said "I love you too." 

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