He's awake.Keith ran down the halls to where Lance was held, a smile plastered on his face
'He's awake. He's awake. He's awake. He's awake. He's awake. He's awake. He's awake. He's awake. He's awake. He's awake. He's awake!!!'
Keith couldn't stop himself. He was estatic. He hadn't spoken to Lance in 2-3 months! The dreams he gets where he tells Lance about what he's been up to don't count.
He knew that was Haggar ushering him on. And he didn't mind, because it worked. He felt more confident after those dreams.
When he walked in he saw Lance sat on the stretcher, his galran features making him look even prettier.
His hair was the same golden brown color, now a bit longer with purple and black streaks here and there.
His ears were now pointed and a purple color that faded as it got closer to his eyes.
His eyes were still their beautiful electric blue color, but the white part of the eye was now a faint grey/blue in one eye, and yellow in the other.
He now had claws and purple patches of skin littered around his body.
He was taller, now the size of a normal Galran soldier, same as Keith, but just that cm taller.
He had scars littered around his body, one going horizontally across his neck where they had to put a tube in there to get the oxygen in, seeming he couldn't breathe through his mouth for some reason.
Haggar fixed that once Lance was stable.
All he could do was watch as they checked Lance, making sure he was definitely stable and helping him get his balance again.
"Okay, what is your name?" The medic asked as they checked Lances health on the futuristic tablet
"M-my name is Lance McClain," he replied, absolutely terrified. But he didn't run. He couldn't. They'd be too fast, they'd catch up and kill him, he wouldn't see Keith again...wait...Keith.
"Can you tell me how you got he-"
"Keith! Wh-where's Keith?! What have you done with him?! Where is he?!!" the now half galran asked, shimmying away from the Galran.
"You mean Commander Yorak?" The medic asked, cocking her head slightly to the side.
"Y-yorak? N-no! I mean Keith, my boyfriend. He-he was with me when we were in the explotion then-" it all hit him. Him dying, Keith yelling at someone, getting abandoned, the purple blob telling him
"I'm sorry, but this is what must be done for the fate of the universe" then it all going black again.
He d i e d.
How long had he been dead?
Was Keith even alive still?
Lance started panicking, shaking, slightly hugging himself.
Keith soon recalled this as a panic attack and ran up to Lance, pushing the medic aside, to apologize for the action later.
"Hey, Hey, Lance, I'm here. It's me Keith, breathe with me," he said as he held Lances chin, making him look at him, changing his eyes to his violet ones. He then took a deep breath, before exhaling slowly.
Lance doing the same, just with shakey breaths.
Soon enough Lance has calmed down as he looked at Keith "K-Keith..? wh-what happened to you?! Where are we?!"
"Shhhh, it's okay baby. We're on Haggars..well..Zarkons ship-" he was cut off by Lance
"WHAT?! ARE YOU CRAZY?! Keith! We're going to D I E! And what happened to you?!" Lance yelled, now in full panic.
"Shhh, Lance, it's okay! They're not going to hurt you...Voltron..they-they abandoned us, left us to die. Me, because I'm Galra, and you, I'm not sure why..And what happened to me? Haggar helped me with my Galran heritage"
Lance looked at Keith "S-so...what you're saying is that Haggar somewhat..saved..us?"
he nodded "You could say that...and...to do so, she had to turn you part Galra...Thace, a spy from the blade tried to kill you..it was the safer option, I just- I couldn't lose you..I'm sorry.." tears clouded Keiths vision. He felt horrible, Lance didn't have any consent. He probably hated him.
Lance placed a hand on Keiths cheek, seeing it was purple he flinched slightly, not used to it yet "Hey...it's okay. I-I'll be fine, I just have to get used to it...and atleast I'm alive, right?" he smiled weakly at Keith
Keith just smiled back, pressing a soft but needy kiss on Lances lips "Yeah...you are"
hhhh kill me please. I've been writing this chapter for 1-2 hours because I couldn't sleep knowing I posted a chapter with only 100-200 words or smn sksk. Anyways, imma sleep now nIght.

For him
FanfictionA mission goes wrong and Lance and Keith get abandoned by their team in space. what will happen when their oxygen runs out? what will happen when a galra ship finds them? EvilKeith, WvilLance, Klance, Klangst and a smidge of Langst. I do not own any...