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Staring at the photos on the side table Camila saw a fairly recent one of a marine, a very hot marine.

Her eyes widened even as her stomach dipped. Rolling her eyes at the response her body gave she turned yelling toward her friend who happened to be in the kitchen. "Hey Marcie, whose the walking wet dream in dress blues?"

Marcie burst out laughing even as someone cleared their throat directly behind her. "Most people just call me Lauren."

Every ounce of color fled her face as she turned to see the mirror image of the person in the photo. Followed quickly by a sudden rush of color as he reached out to shake her hand.

"Um I, I am foot in mouth, but most people call me Camila."

Lauren's smile grew wide. "Pleased to meet you. So how do you know Marcie?"

"We have friends in common."

"That's nice," he said quietly.

Marcie came in the living room with a glass of tea for Camila, "Here I thought you might need this." she offered obviously laughing at Camila's moment of candor.

"Camila this is my cousin Lauren. Lauren this is my friend Camila."

"We've met," said Lauren with a twinkle in her eye.

"So you have," Marcie said smartly. "Is everyone hungry? Dinner is almost done."

"I'm starved," Lauren said in a pathetic little voice.

Laughing she patted his back, "You're always starving. I'm going to take out a second mortgage just to pay the grocery bill."

Lauren laughed good naturedly before heading toward the kitchen.

Marcie grinned at Camila, pointing to the corner of her mouth saying, "You have a bit of drool, right there, did you know?" then turned to follow Lauren, her laughter floating back toward Camila.

Closing her eyes while groaning at the image she knew would be indelibly printed on her mind those of a six foot four dark haired, pale skinned God, with the gorgeous set of green eyes she'd ever seen. Camila knew that she probably was drooling. Releasing a sigh she followed Marcie.

They sat around the table talking until a timer went off, then Marcie got up to take out the enchiladas from the oven. On the table were chips and salsa that they had been nibbling on while waiting.

Camila watched as Marcie scurried around the kitchen. Marcie was such a sweet person, she adored her. Everyone did really. Marcie was charming, everything about her elegant even in jeans and a tee shirt. There was just something about her that drew others.

Camila on the other hand was, well to be perfectly honest, not much to look at. She wasn't a dog or anything, but she didn't stand out either. You could say she was ordinary, but in a comfortable sense. She put everyone at ease, and the minute she smiled your heart melted.

She didn't make friends easily but when she did she kept them, which is why she and Marcie clicked so well. Marcie was a beautiful person, but had in the past been burned by shallow people. She learned to be cautious and keep others at arm's length until she got to know their character. Once she did however she became the most wonderful friend anyone could want. It didn't hurt that she was an amazing cook and liked to test dishes on those friends. Today Camila was her taste tester for this new enchilada casserole and loving every minute of it.

Grinning Camila looked over at Lauren while taking a drink of tea. "With Marcie as family I'm surprised you're not fat."

Lauren chuckled giving Camila a mega watt smile. "I'm very careful around her cooking. My sergeant would ream me a new one if I didn't make the cut."

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