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Lauren cried out, sounding as though she were in pain. Camila pulled back instantly afraid she had hurt her. Using her hips to pull her back toward him, Lauren rested her uninjured cheek on Camila's chest while attempting to calm her breathing.

"Did, did I hurt you," Camila asked tentatively stroking Lauren's hair.

Lauren groaned, and laughed simultaneously. "It was a good hurt. Trust me," she murmured her energy drained.

Camila smiled kissing the top of Lauren's head.

"Can we lie down," Lauren mumbled feeling sleepy and sated.

Grinning Camila felt Lauren's open palm on the small of her back as Lauren propelled Camila toward her room.

"You go first, I'll be right back."

Lauren shuffled to the bathroom seeing the huge wet spot on the front of her shorts laughing. Shaking her head she removed them completely, then carefully wet a washrag and cleaned herself, before returning to her room in all her glory.

Camila was lying on Lauren's bed, her eyes closed when she heard the click of the door and saw Lauren enter. A blush filled her face although she didn't look away. She'd seen Lauren naked before just not in this particular setting. Reaching for a pair of shorts Lauren quickly put them on before climbing on the bed next to where she sat.

"Will you take a nap with me," Lauren asked stretching out.

Camila smiled. "I'd love that." Her mind raced at what this meant, Lauren kiss, this new intimacy. Maybe it all equaled to nothing and Lauren just needed to be kissed.

She didn't know and couldn't ask, it wasn't as if Lauren asked her out on a date or anything, so she lay there her mind reeling from the knowledge that even if he considered it nothing, she had for a moment been his. Curling up next to Lauren she drifted off a short time later.

Lauren felt as if she were floating. SHe Never had an orgasm that made her feel so completely at peace. Her eyes drifted shut, a smile plastered on her face as she slipped into a deep contented rest.

Shadows fell over the room when Camila woke up. Her eyes looked around confused. Then she noted the empty space next to her and wondered if she had dreamt the thing in the kitchen. No, it was real she was certain of it. Taking a deep breath she sat up wiped the sleep from her eyes hastily and headed toward the kitchen.

"You liked it, but you can't date her?"

"Look at me Marcie. I'm in no condition to date or do much more than what we did earlier, although God knows I enjoyed it.

"Who says you have to do more. You can still kiss and touch, why do you have to have everything all at once? I doubt very seriously our virginal Camila could handle you at full tilt."

"Damn it Marcie, I've thought about it, this can't happen again, she would only get hurt."

"What can't you do again? All you did was kiss, there isn't anything to get so upset over."

"Don't you understand, I kissed and touched Camila?"

Marcie narrowed her eyes at her cousin not understanding why he wasn't over the moon.

"She's not..."He paused briefly, giving Marcie a chance to yell at him further.

"Not what, what is she not Lauren? Not beautiful?

"Stop," Lauren said on a low whisper.

"Not your usual type? what is it oh yes, cheap?" she pressed.

"Marcie," Lauren said giving her a look.

"Oh I see, Camila's not going to be an easy fuck so why expend the effort right?"

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