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"I'm sorry Camila, you didn't get sick last time, so.." he shrugged.

"It's fine Josh really," She smiled up at him, "I like spinning, but the baby doesn't."

Josh's face went blank then his smile lit up like a Christmas tree. "A baby? Really?"

She nodded blushing from head to toe. Being pregnant was sort of like announcing to the world that you're having sex.

"You and Lauren? A baby!"

"Baby?" Mark said walking up to them, "Since when do you get to use pet names with Lauren's girlfriend?"

Marcie and Camila laughed.

"Since Lauren knocked her up." Josh said somewhat crudely, "I didn't call her baby, you idiot Lauren would kill me."

Lauren laughed as she walked up drawing everyone's attention to her. Shrugging she looked at her sergeant saying, "Tell em serg."

Mawbry stood up looking militant even in his civi's. "Marines," everyone in the room snapped to attention, "Lauren and Camila are having a baby, what do you say to that?"

The room thundered with voices raised in a single "Hoo-rah!"

All the guys filed in giving pats on the back, handshakes while hugging the slightly embarrassed Camila. She had never been the center of attention before and although she was thrilled that the men accepted her she still would rather have hid behind Marcie.

Eventually everyone went back to their conversations. Camila helped Marcie gather plates and eventually they started filling them with cooked dogs and hamburger patties bringing them to the kitchen counter.

Lauren walked back into the kitchen saying, "Let's eat."

Men started lining up getting their favorites of the food lined up on every available surface, devilled eggs, chips, different types of salad, ranging from the classic greens to potato. There were even some buffalo wings that Marcie made herself with help from the recipe's online. Hot dogs, hamburgers and of course the stuff you're supposed to put on top of them.

The men ate talked and laughed. There was also a fair amount of b.s., but all and all the evening was great.

When Camila started getting out the oreo pie's she found herself surrounded by a dozen men. "Ya'll look hungry enough to eat straight from the pan," she said laughing.

"I know I am," offered Danforth.

Setting it down on the cabinet she went to grab the paper plates, handing one to each marine with a plastic spoon. "Ok boys dig in, there's more where that one came from."

They absolutely mangled that pie and had cleaned out the pan within ten minutes. Marcie took the empty dish to the sink while retrieving the second from the fridge.

The desert was heaven as was actually all the food. Damn they sure knew how to cook and Lauren was a lucky son of a bitch thought Mawbry.

By the end of the evening there was still one more oreo pie left in the fridge not because it wasn't wanted but because no one knew it existed. Marcie and Camila had agreed that the handsome Sergeant Mawbry would be tonight's recipient. Although the men treated him like a father figure the truth was he was only thirty-one. However his experience and guidance was invaluable, his men were young and he had an even temper that suited his position and made men want to follow him. Marcie had watched and listened and every now and then glanced at him well maybe more than she should have.

Walking up to him with the baking dish in hand she called to the Sergeant as he said his goodbyes.

Turning with a grin he winked at her. "And what's this?"

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