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Winking at her, Lauren helped her cousin to her feet. "Alright ladies, everyone out please."

"Sorry Lauren," they went back to their movie, but this time Camila's mind was lost in the beautiful woman with tight blue briefs just a few steps away.

Her sigh told Marcie all she needed to know.

A few days later while Marcie was making breakfast she glanced back at Lauren biting her lip nervously.

"What's on your mind Marcie, I can tell something's wrong?"

"You, you don't sleep around do you?"

Cocking an eyebrow, surprised by the question, Lauren asked. "And that would be your business because?"

She gave a shaky laugh, "Never mind, forget I asked. Sorry."

Frowning she sighed, "No, it's ok I guess. Uh no, I don't like that particular lifestyle. Do you sleep around?"

She turned with a grin, "God no, I'm waiting on Mr. Right, unfortunately he seems to be out of the country on an extended visit."

Lauren laughed good naturedly. "Tell me about it."

"I-I was just thinking about Camila's first time and thought maybe you could help or make things better."

"I really don't think she would appreciate me delving into her personal life like that. If she wanted to confide in me that would be one thing, she's our friend and I care about her, but I'm not about to corner her and make her confess about the worst thing that ever happened to her."

"You did that to me."

Lauren closed her eyes tightly. "You're my family and it's not the same thing."

"You're right, I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry Lauren, I just want to help her."

Giving her a smile Lauren shook her head. "I know that's why I love you. See you after work," she said walking out of the kitchen grabbing her keys on the way out.
Camila turned twenty-five quietly. There was no party, no dinner and no one to celebrate with. She had known girls who would shout out their upcoming day and then expect others to organize some gala for them, like it was their right.

Camila never understood that line of thinking, maybe if she had a family then she might expect a call or card, but not friends, she'd never demand that they'd give her something just for turning another year older. It seemed selfish somehow, so she lay on her couch watching reruns.

Maybe everyone got it wrong, she wondered if good things only came to those who asked? A smirk filled her face when she thought of Lauren turning down the numerous requests for his undivided attention, then again maybe not. Even the pretty girls weren't guaranteed such a good thing as Lauren.

There was a new guy in Lauren's unit, one who was funny as hell and a trip to be around. He and Lauren got along great and as a result he was invited to the infamous dinner parties. It didn't take long to figure out why he attended though, and it had nothing to do with the food. The guy was quite the horn dog and slept with just about all of Marcie's girlfriends within a month.

Of course in the tradition of the Marine Corps he was good looking, and built, no doubt they needed little convincing of his ability and prowess. The guests seemed to view Marcie's home as a restaurant/escort service. If a Marine needed a pretty girl to take to a banquet, or an evening of frolicking he'd just go to a dinner party and get a few numbers.

Yeah some of her friends were normal and not constantly in heat, but they were few and far between. Although she did believe most of those single young Marines were looking for a nice home cooked meal for a change and did appreciate to a certain extent the kindness behind the gesture, at least she hoped that was the case. Marcie deserved nothing less considering all that she gave to everyone.

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