Chapter 9

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At first I think she's being stacked by the black attired stranger but the ridiculous series of laughter they emit puts me at ease. "You, gave, me, a, heart, attack." She states, her speech broken by desperate breaths.

"I couldn't pass up the opportunity." He says prior to their devouring each other's faces in a slobbery heat of the moment. I have never felt so awkward, curious and confused about anything in my life until now. 

My existence is almost forgotten as their public display turns more animalistic, tongues swirling outside their mouths. I try clearing my throat to gain their attention but to no avail. "Scout?" They pull at each other, both clawing the others back and fisting their hair.

Coughing does nothing except provoke a passerby to say, "Bless you." Had I sneezed that would've made more sense. "Thank you." I say nonetheless. 

Warming my vocal chords like a Broadway actor I'm prepared to wait all day for them but unfortunately I don't retain the patience. "Scout!" I didn't have to yell but I figured the sloppy sounds of their kiss would overpower my average speaking volume.

"Mmm, yeah?" Her makeup is smeared drastically altering the previously symmetrical nude lipstick. Displaying my best 'I am totally lost' expression it takes a decent thirty seconds for the concept to register in her drug lidded eyes.

"Oh, right. Ashley, this is Tristan the newest addition to my humble abode." Ashley's brown eyes connect with mine long enough to nod in acknowledgement. "Hey, hows it going?" He doesn't wait for a reply, instead hauling Scout by the waist so no space separated them.

"She's a fellow escapee, like me. Just got out what? four days ago?" I nod in confirmation. This changes his lack of interest temporarily.

"Really? No way." He extends a finger less gloved hand suddenly intrigued in me, I mutually accept. Who'd have thought she would be dating an olive skinned, black leather clad guy whose emo haircut reached halfway down his spine. "Tris, yeah I remember now, Scouts mentioned you mainly because you two were so close." 

"Are." We correct simultaneously as opposed to 'were'.

"Well, if you're interested, there's a gathering tonight at the Fire Pit around eleven. You know how it is, drinks, games, music, the usuals are expected to be there." He says pausing every so often to plant kisses on her exposed skin.

Scout contemplates his offer arranging herself so he could better access difficult areas. Those who pass spare varying degrees of distasteful glances, viewing their actions. One elderly man keeps his wide eyes on them oblivious to a wooden pole he painfully collides into.

I fight the urge not to laugh at his unfortunate mishap, feeling guilty for not offering assistance when he waddles onward unbalanced on a brittle cane. "I dunno...we had plans to catch up with each other at home. I can always lie and say she has to unpack—"

"Aw, come on, Chris'll be there, he's always got something entertaining up his sleeve. It won't be nearly as fun without you." He pouts, and despite being a full grown man, it was adorable.

"Alright, I'll go only if I can bring Tristan. Either we both go, or none of us." I love how she always has my back even though I never asked for it but I wouldn't dare change our circumstances. 

It's better that she takes charge of my social life a little from this point forward because I'm a virgin when it comes to almost everything.

"Yeah, we can do that, you ever been to the Fire Pit Tristan? It's kinda a rite of passage 'round here." Ashley asks as Scout pushes his long black hair off his collar bone, now exchanging kisses along the crook of his neck. "Pfft, you betcha, who hasn't?" I answer. 

Scout coughs trying to contain her smile on Ashley's skin well aware of my white lie, she never fails to see right through me. 

Fire Pit? Is it as intimidating as it sounds?

Anything related to open blazes was prohibited in our household due to an incident that burnt half of mothers hair to a brown crisp.

I haven't been around a live flame since and never got the opportunity to roast marshmallows or smores.

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