Chapter 18

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"How do you know it's Andy?"

"Because I recognise that exasperated look anywhere, I've worn it many a time." I welcome her open arms seeking refuge in their comforting warmth, "You're arms are freezing." She starts sliding her palms up and down my triceps promoting the circulation there.


"Do you want to talk about it or...?" Scout knows better than anyone how those in our situation have two moods when it comes to dealing with the issues. The first is talking it out and getting everything off your chest to the point you feel ten kilos lighter. The second. Ignore it in hopes it dissipates by itself.

"Fair enough." She says after I shake my head declining what would've been the healthier option.

"I got some therapy you might like." Ducking behind the dodgy kitchen counter she pops upward almost colliding her head against a low hanging chandelier. "Ta-da, with extra garlic bread."

The scrumptious scent of melted cheese on a ham and pineapple Hawaiian pizza floats in a tantalising cloud of smoke, circulating us as Scout opens the largest box of the Italian specialty I've ever seen. "Bless you o' wondrous woman." I say dreamily, scoffing an outstanding mouthful of the temperate dough.

"Yeah, I know, no pictures, please." She mimics a fake celebrity overcome by the surrounding --non existent-- cameras, shielding her face while I laugh.

On the mattress we share, squished against the corner wall a huge black garbage back is bursting at the seems with obscure textiles. "Cleaning out your wardrobe?"

Scout smiles so wide a hint of teeth appear between her far stretched lips. "More like, updating your wardrobe." Finishing the rest of my third slice I start toward the hefty bundle creating a lull in the blankets.

Untying the outrageously tight knot, I tip the overflowing contents onto the unmade bed. "Scout, I officially don't deserve you." There are more clothes here than I was given as hand-me-downs growing up.

"Naw you're making me blush, stop the praise." She waves me off.

I delve into the pile of clothes buzzing with kid-like wonder.

I've always wanted those sweaters with a wide collar that expands to rest midway of the shoulders... ooh and fishnet stockings to wear under a skirt or rip style jeans. The possibilities are endless as I imagine the outfits mixing and matching tops with shorts, camisoles with palazzo pants and sneakers with platforms.

"Take it easy or you'll give yourself and aneurysm." Scout passes a pizza slice. I devour it on sight.

She suggested some matches, I tried some on and then it was decided, "Ugh, I'm calling in sick, there's no way I'm going to work now."

"I bestow this glorious night as movie and pizza night." I declare, holding a floppy slice so the living room light enlightens it in a heavenly glow.

"Nahhhhhh-so-thank-yaaaaa-for-buying-me-pizza-bruhhhh." Scout chokes mid swallow due to laughter, eyes watering in body shaking spasms.

It takes ten minutes for us to change into our sweats, mine smell freshly store bought and I swear the fragrance is intoxicating. Scout makes the quickest phone call to the cinema where she works about seven minutes away.

Finally prepared we share an unbalanced recliner chair, wrapping our legs in the softest fuschia blanket I've ever felt. "Mmm, snug."

"Cheers." We clink our wine glasses together as Scout suggest we toast to, "Establishing our roots in this world which can only be described as licorice all sorts."

I take a short sip, "And the verdict is..." I couldn't spit it out faster if I tried.

The seat rocks with her roaring laughter, "That taste gross, ugh."

Knock, knock

Silence. "This feels like the beginning of a low budget horror movie." No one was expected to visit nor had we been expecting deliveries which are not posted so late.

Scout cowers back and the chair almost flips at the uneven weight. "Y'know, the ironic thing about this is that it could be a Mormon." She snickers.

Handing her the litre tub of ice cream on our laps, I pad across the cream carpeted floor in yellow stripe socks.

We are both astonished by a slender form inked from hands to jawline, carrying a wrapped box in their colourful hands.

"Hey, me again... I just wanted to um, say... this is for you." He gives me the item, hands visibly shaking.

"You were amazing yesterday, I owe you." I look back to a scowling Scout. In the silence we have a discussion amongst our eyes deciding unanimously, "Thanks but, if you're not busy maybe you can join us for a bit, we can get better acquainted?"

Jake digs his fists inside constricting skinny jean pockets, smiling as he answers, "Sure, if that's alright with you?"

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