Chapter 14

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"Hey! CC, What you doing man?!" We slid to a halt positioned beneath the only light pole in the car park. How can anyone drive in such pitch darkness without causing an accident?

There goes our ride...and my sanity.

"Any chance you got a plan C?" The words leave Scouts mouth quicker than my heart races.

He does that guy thing where they interlace their fingers on their skull base, forming a wide 'm' from their hands down the forty five degree bends to their underarms.

I can't go to jail. What if that's all it takes for my parents to find me? I'm still seventeen and legally under the jurisdiction.

I might not be in another country but I figured another state was far enough. It'd be cruel to go back after experiencing so much in less than twenty four hours.

Sirens snap me back to reality as they creep up on us in our rigid state of panic.

Just then I notice an onyx vehicle up ahead. Without thinking I run the small distance slamming my hands on the bonnet mid turn.

The tires screech to a stop short of knocking my knee caps against the grill. "You're more ballsy than I thought!" A semi frustrated Andy pokes his wet style hair out the window.

"I still have to return your vest." I say opening the back door so Scout could pile in.

Jake clumsily takes the passenger seat when our doors close, "I didn't know this was an Uber." He grunts flooring the gas.

We collide against the leather chair backs gaining speed.

Woo, woo

They're gaining on us faster than we anticipated.

"What's the deal, Jake you tryna hijack my car?"

"I wouldn't do that considering CC did that exact thing to mine less than thirty seconds ago." Andy seems shocked by the prospect.

"No shit, for real?"

"D'you think I'd be bugging you if it wasn't the case?" Jake says breathlessly, buckling his seatbelt and wiping the sweat lining his eyebrows.

I follow suit securing my buckle while Scout lulls like a nauseous person waiting to throw up.

Andy must've noticed, "If you throw up in my car your ass hits the kerb, got it?" Although it was meant for her I couldn't help but feel the same would apply to me.

"Chill man," he turns to us, "everything good back here?" The images wasn't promising, nevertheless he flashes a toothy white grin.

I instantly feel at ease returning the favour. People with contagious smiles and laughs are the best people to hang around.

"Sorry for the rushes intro, what's your name again?" His inquiry sounds so sincere butterflies erupt in my stomach.

I'm not sure why. "Uh, Tristan." We shake hands properly this time, formally.

His grip is soft but strong, I like the way it feels and cherish the sensation once we release.

His eyes are a subtle brown shade in inclined to trust.

"Shit." Andy slams the brakes once we've driven down an alley where a Police car patiently waits outsmarting us.

"Moral of this story," Jake says gulping, "never leave the house without a plan C."

I'm not sure if the one shot of tequila and partial ship of beer was controlling me but I the thought of us being thrown in jail together seemed illogical.

Why should we all go when one of us could take the fall?

Andy's eyes meet mine in the rear view mirror, his eyebrow ridge taunt in deep focus. I'm not sure who I'm doing this for but... here goes.

Once I've exited the vehicle I sprint down the road directly past the officers scrambling to exit their seats.

Scout and Jake's protests become distant murmurs as I blindly continue straight, right, down, left, jump. Anything unpredictable helps throwing them off my trail.

Just as I think I've outrun them on foot I nearly run into the tail light of another automobile, same model and make as the first. This time a different pair of cops who were prepared for me are quick to surround all my possible escape routes like farmers circulating a wild animal.

One draws out his gun and I freeze throwing up my arms. Then half in defeat and half in fear I say, "I surrender." Pause. Maybe it's better they get it over and done with I think peering through my whispy fringe.

Nothing could have prepared me to be pounced on the way they did so harsh or have my cheek be grated against the brick wall.

The grey haired one twists my hands back triggering a cry from the back of my throat while the other -a bearded man- clasp the cuffs on so tight I begin to loose circulation.

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