Chapter 26

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His lips are soft as they caress mine at the perfect pressure not too forced. My heart races faster than a speeding bullet, smoothing over his lip piercing which adds heat to the fire.

I rest a tender hand on his upper thigh prompting a small mm from the back of his throat, driving me insane. Voluntarily parting my lips I welcome his slightly metallic but mostly alcoholic taste. I can't get enough. After many encapsulating seconds...or minutes...or hours, we pull apart breathless.

My chest rising and falling at such speeds I hold the wide sweater neck tighter fearing my breasts will pop out. After a few seconds I open my eyes, his irises are so beautiful and intense up close.

Nervous chuckles ensue, mainly on my part as I rest my forehead on his leather clad shoulder. He rubs my back, "Alcohol is good." I whisper, removing my hands from him.

Andy reaches for my chest, for a second I think he's about to grope me and I'm not sure I'm ready for that, instead he hooks the jumper fabric, contacting the top half of my bust sending shivers through me. He hoists the material upward to conceal the near exposure, "Cheers to that."

We swig the last bit of Vodka, my head begins to spin from the excess intake but seeing how different Andy becomes under the influence also spurs indecent thoughts in my mind. "Thanks ma."

He calls over his shoulder needlessly as his mother's thin frame re-emerges, dried out features drawn in concern. "No need, here." The jingle of keys flies from her hands onto the bench, sliding toward the edge I catch it in time.

Andy mirrors my confusion, holding the keys as if it were a used diaper, "Is this a trick—?"

"Since the rise in mugging around this area, Officer Baron's been assigned my diner for a nightly recap," she turns the lamp off, suspending us in close to pitch darkness, "he's rarely late so unless you want more jail time Andy, I suggest you get your ass into gear and move it."

Hold up, jail time? Was this one of those sarcastic threat moments or a legitimate warning? The prospect of Andy in an orange jumpsuit is both frightening and somewhat arousing.

"When you say jail time, you mean jokingly right?" Ms Biersacks intense gaze hardens momentarily, the pupils darken a slight degree. "That's a topic of discussion for another night, I say." There's a noticeable air of underlying issues that thickens the atmosphere around us, or is it the lingering humidity wafting from the kitchen?

Andy's arm tightens beside me, defining the muscles there to a whole other level. Not that I was complaining or anything.

But I would never admit it to him directly, why give him the satisfaction? "You couldn't have told us this earlier, ma?" His bony pelvis massages my hipbone in the process of scuttling off the booth cushions, I gather a thick wad of napkins to dab the excess blood and plasma spotting my damp skin. "Don't go blaming me for your screw ups, I forget about him most of the time anyway, what with how busy we are most days."

Andy takes over clean up duty after my many protests, Ms Biersack escorts us toward the rear exit, "Thank you for helping us out." Her eyebrows raise when she turns to me as if it is our first encounter. "Well I'm glad someone it appreciative." Venoms drips from her sentence, reinforced by a death glare so strong I felt its underlying wrath beside an eye rolling Andy.

The door opens a crack from the outside and in a maddening hiss she shoves us painfully in the kitchen direction. Andy is quick to pull him behind the counter where we crouch as an unknown voice fills the noiseless void.

My knees crack to their own accord as I crouch, Andy subconsciously rests a hand on my thigh, is my heart beating fast or is that an organ sized lump in my throat? "Evenin' Ms Biersack, how has your day been?"

He seemed friendly enough judging by his voice and I should focus more on his existence but given the circumstance where my nose delicately meets Andy's in the swallowing dark, ice blue eyes bearing into mine... how the hell am I supposed to concentrate?

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