Chapter 19

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The three of us strap in to an unpredictable roller coaster of insane topics in our lengthy conversation. "Ok, I gotta say Hugh Hefner because I'm sure that dude has some secrets I can get out of him."

Scout and I are in stitches, "For real? You can pick any celebrity as your hall pass and your choice is the Playboy guy? He's dead."

He shrugs, an air of mischief visible in his unsuccessful attempts at seductive winking. "You never said dead celebs were off limits--" I snort laugh but conceal it with a cough.

"--Your go, Tristan." I swig half a cup worth of Budweiser, supplied by Scout as a backup in case the wine was an epic fail, the pleasant flavour is a definite upgrade in my books.

I toss between two choices, considering this is a judgement free zone the name I say doesn't quite startle them but intrigued eyebrows are raised.

"Charlize Theron." A mutual nod of approval makes my face red either from revealing the girl crush I've had for almost ten years or due to the alcohol circulating my blood system.

"Solid choice, any reasoning behind your sexy decision?" Scout asks flipping her chin length hair, Jake agrees tossing down the liquid of a lime green beer bottle in three large gulps. His cheeks are rose like mine as I reciprocate an honest explanation. "You ever watch the movie Monster?"

"Mmm." They answer, mouths containing handfuls of freshly popped popcorn.

"That was one of the few movies I watched without my parents when I was younger. My brother, Beckette and I were on the edge of our seats that whole movie because we've never seen anything like it, I swear we thought about it for the next six months it was so mind-blowing for us." I coat my dry throat in a layer of gold tinted Budweiser making it easier to talk more freely.

They hang on to the words left in the air, leaning forward in their positions, Jake prodding his thighs with resting elbows on the mattress.

I'm relieved he doesn't read into my brief mention of Beckette, instead cocking his head to listen seemingly captivated.

"See looks exactly like the serial killer it's based on and one time when I was at Scout's house I used her computer to research the actress. Imagine my surprise when I see her accepting an Oscar, twenty pounds lighter, a gorgeous dress on, I couldn't believe she was the same person."

There is a decent length pause proceeding Jake's comment. "I don't know about you guys but I really wanna watch this 'Monster' movie now." His pearly white smile is contagious and I love the relaxed nature he emits whenever he's around us... or me.

"I don't swing that way my ass," Scout mocks, "There was like, two hours worth of Charlize Theron this and Charlize Theron that." I laugh rolling up the sleeves of my sweats getting gradually warmer from the blanket and alcoholic ingestion.

Jake and I dink bottle necks together toasting to, "The beautiful Monster, aka, your sexual awakening." He dodges my playfully thrown pillow.

"Alright, that's my lesbian fantasy over, Scout." She pours a palm size amount of wine, holding a finger up to signal we wait as she skulls the rosacea making her eyes appear glassy. "You're in the hot seat."

She licks her index fingertip and tenderly rotates it along the glass rim creating a dreamy high pitch sound. "Woah, how are you doing that?" Scout looks around wondering who I was talking to the liquor disorientating her awareness.

"What, this?" She does it again.

"Yeah that." I can't do it with my bottle opening instead only smearing the glass without evoking anything remotely similar. "You just..." She reenacts her previous movements.

Use any finger to pad against a moist tongue, don't drown it in saliva. Place on the thin crystal rim applying the perfect amount of pressure --not too light, not too heavy-- then smoothly run it around the circular line, the volume of liquid within the glass will change the noise frequency.

"Why is this so entertaining?" I couldn't get enough of the sound, Jake disrupts the melody by blowing his beer at a certain angle relishing a deep haunting hooo vibration. "Ok, that one I knew." We chuckle.

"Gotta be Ruby Rose though, am I right?" She waits for an applause that doesn't come, instead the room is filled by our supportive groans. "Yes, I wish I could turn lesbian for her." Jake salutes asking permission to expand himself where he was, now lying comfortably on our mattress his chest on the lavender pillow I threw.

I can't believe he's lying where I sleep.

My face won't stop reddening at the thought of him under the sheets in his fitting black shirt, snuggling... I really need to get out more.

Thankfully Scout fills the soundless void, "So, I have a proposition," Jake edges closer, combing charcoal hair out of his face. "If you wanna stay over Jake, we can watch Monster and then introduce Tristan to Miss Congeniality."

"Miss Congenially?"

"Congeniality." She corrects wiping wine that slips from her lip corner. I have decades worth of movies to catch up on and who better to lead me than a theater usher? "Wait, you've never heard of Miss Congeniality?"

Here we go again, he's going to treat me like Andy, a freak of nature who should be trapped under the microscope on display in a petri dish.

"That settles it." He converts to a widespread lounging pose, pulling an abundant popcorn filled bowl closer to the mattress careful not to litter the quilt. Typing away on his phone, Scout changes the television source onto a blank screen preparing to stream the film.

That is not how I expected him to react.

"Prepare to be entertained."


Shoutout to

cherishangel101 ❤️

For her works and shouting me

Thank you!

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