Chapter 4 - The twins are coming back!

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We, I mean: Evie, Louis, Harry and I, were talking to Simon and the rest of One Direction on Skype about our coming back to London. Because today we're definitely going back to London. All of us. But it was a little bit awkward because I had to pretend I'm Evie. Simon thought that Rubby Ivory is dating Louis, which wasn't true. So we pretend to be each other. Only Louis and Harry knew the truth. Louis and Evie wanted Simon to let the boys travel with us.

"We both have our own car. They're gonna be okay!" Evie shouted almost begging Simon.

"No, I can't let them-" Simon started but was cut off by Niall.

"Actually it would be a good idea! Deal, but only if you're taking with you all of us." He said and looke excited about Evie's idea.

"Niall!" Simon said. "We're traveling by plane, all of us!"

"Oh, come on Simon! You and Alicia can travel by plane and we can go with the gorgeous twins." Harry begged.

"I wanna meet them too." Liam helped.

"So do I!" Added Zayn and then Simon gave up.

"Ok. Whatever you want. But careful with the paparazzi guys!" He said then hung up.

"I'll text Niall to grab the boys and come over. Ok?" Harry asked me and I nodded with a cheeky grin on my face. This is going to be really funny.

After Niall, Liam and Zayn arrived our boyfriends told them about the 'Twin Game'. I hope they'll keep the secret or Simon is going to kill us, actually he's going to kill me. We started to pack some things and a lot of food because it's a long way to London. About 5 hours. We determined that Evie is taking Liam, Loui and Zayn in her car and I'm taking Harry and Niall in mine. We also determined that we're living at 10pm which means we're going to be home at 3 in the morning.

"Ready?" I asked still wearing that cheeky grin.

They all nodded and got in the cars. I've never been so happy to be in a car going to London. I guess that's what Harry did to me.

 Evie called me so we all can talk like we were in the same car. Harry answered.

"Put it on speaker." I said trying to pay more attention at the road. It was pretty dark and cloudly outside.

"Why did I took 3/5?" Evie asked me and I laughed.

"Guess I'm smarter, twin."

"Hey!" Niall shouted pretending to be offened. "We should do a twitcam!"

"Do you think we have internet connection?" Liam asked and I think he like Niall's idea.

"Yes, for sure! I'll do one from my account, you do one from yours."

"Deal! Simon is going to kill us." Liam agreed.

And they actually did a twitcam. But they stoped it when we arrived in Doncaster. Louis said we have to pick Lottie. I introduced myself as Rubby Ivory and I let her stay in my car with me, Harry and Niall. She was so gorgeous! Lottie was also a blonde, but her eyes are big and blue. Mine are a weird shade of green.

"Guys, I really need to show you smething! I found that thing on Sugarscape a few minutes ago." Lottie said after we left Doncaster.

"Harry give her my iPad, I'm the curious type." I said and Lottie laughed.

"Here we go..." She said whilst google searching 'sugarscape'. "I'm gonna read it loud so all of you can hear: 'A few hours ago One Direction left Scotland's capital with two unknown twin girls. Louis was seen yesterday at a nightclub with one of them, but we don't know yet the details. Is One Direction's  Louis Tomlinson dating another girl? Eleanor must be very sad right now.' Can you believe it?"

"They saw us!" Niall shouted talking about the paparazzi.

"What else?" Harry asked.

"Nothing else. Just it. And two pictures. One with Lou and Elanor the other must be Rubby's sister and Louis yesterday." Lottie explained.

I rolled my eyes. "I hate those boring people who doesn't have a life called paparazzi." 

"You have no idea!" Niall and Harry said at the same time.

 Because of the traffic we arrived at 3.30 am. I was so tired, even if Harry drove the last 2 hours.

"We can't go home!" Evie said and I realized she was right. It was 3 in the morning and our family has no clue we're in London.

"You know we live here too, right?" Louis asked her. Evie thought about it then accepted his offer.

We just need to rest a bit before going home. So, we left everything in the cars and went to Harry's house. Actually Zayn and Liam haven't stayed with us because of their girlfriends and I could understand this. 

I immediately fell asleep, without even crying because I'm back in London. I guess this is the biginning of a new life. Maybe tomorrow I'll look for a job. It would be great if I would sing in nightclubs just as I used to do in Scotland.

Jesus Christ! When I woke up it was 2pm. Why didn't Harry woke me up? I got out of bed as quick as I could and grabed my phone. One missed call from Mark, my cute scottish friend, and other 2 missed calls from Jessica. I rolled my eyes than went downstairs. Evie and Harry we're eating whilst talking about Evie's fake date. Actually it wasn't a fake date anymore. I think they really like each other and so does Harry. Some people would call it 'luck' but I would call it 'life'. I'm glad I met Harry that night at the club. My life is a little bit weird now, but I love it. Dating Harry Styles whilst pretending to be your twin sister isn't something you usually do. At least not what I usually do. So, I took a sit and asked for some food. 

"You should've woke me up." I've told Evie whilst eating.

"Yeay, I know. But you were so tired so I thought you would love to sleep more." And that was right. I rolled my eyes than changed the subject.

"Jessica called again. I can't beliebe I'm going to live with our family again!" I said throwing my hands up in the air.

"We're not! I'll rent and apartment. Perrie said we can have her apartment until we find something because, you know, she lives with Zayn." 

I nodded. "She's really sweet!"

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