Chapter 6 - Everybody breaks a glass

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I think you're wondering why have I named this chapter like this. If you think it's going to be about Rubby or Evie breaking a real glass than I must say: "You silly!!!"

Sorry about that! Let me explain....

In this chapter Rubby and Harry are going to break up. After that Rubby will sing this song called 'Everybody breaks a glass' which in my story is her own song. But in real life it's sang by Lights. 

Here is the URL for the song:


 It was 1 am when Harry called me saying that he's coming over. I've told him to wait for me outside because I wanted to take something from my car. I usually keep some CDs in my car and the one with Lana Del Rey was there. It was raining. Big drops of rain settled on my hair making me feel cold. Harry was already waiting in front of my car.

"What happened?" I asked with a simple smile on my face. His face was devoid of any expression which scared me for awhile.

"Why did you tweeted that?"

"Because..." I started to say but I didn't finished the phrase. It was really hard to explain. "I thought it would be better."

"Simon is going to kill us. Both!" I couldn't stand it when someone yells at me so I looked down trying not to blame him. It really was my fault. But still, it fucking hurts.

"Please don't yell." I managed to say it in a calmly voice.

"How can I not yell? It was a secret. You don't know how the media is! Do you?"

I close my eyes because I couldn't stand it. Not even Evie can yell at me. I hate it when people are yelling.

"It was the truth. If you can't handle it..." I took a deep breath before I continued. "Fine! What's next?"

Harry looked at me without saying a thing. He hugged me before whispered "Sorry for that." 

Suddenly I remember about the girl I met at Starbucks. I just can't get out o my mind her voice when she said 'I hope he truly loves you.' Whilst making a step back I realized something. I'm living in a fucking fairytale. Who am I trying to fool? I can feel that it wan't meant to be. Not like this, not now maybe never. I should let him go now, before it's too late. I can see how every girl is crazy over him and I must admit I can't handle it. It's not that easy as in fanfictions. 

"Don't get me wrong, but..Em.." Fuck it! I'm really doing it. "I don't think I can do it anymore. I mean, you have fans who are crazy over you and I simply can't handle this."

Harry looked confused as he thought I was kidding. I looked away staring at my car whilst repeating to myself that I'm doing the right thing. My heart stopped and maybe I wasn't even breathing. He pulled me closer and looked me deep in the eyes. Now his eyes are a shade of dark green. That gorgeous and innocent blue was definitely gone.

"Are you sure?" Harry asked and I simply stared like a mad. I couldn't reply, maybe because I didn't know the answer.

After a few minutes I finally said something. "Yes. I'm sure."

"You know I'll miss you right?"

I shook my head and then looked away holding back some tears. He simply walked away. I fell on the ground without crying or doing something stupid. My knees were weak so I fell. I backed my head on my car's door until a girl came to me. It was Lottie. 

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