Just Playing Around, But Not Really

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It's really fun to be a cast in the new Meteor Garden. It's a drama with a stellar budget, so you'd get to wear really nice clothes and film in nice places, with the best facilities and really caring treatments by the crew. Besides that, most of the cast had similar age, so it was indeed like a band of classmates spending time together and having fun. Sometimes they really forgot they were working hard.

One afternoon, Caesar, Connor, Jia Qi, Yinhao and Dong Xin were all sitting together having lunch. Their meals were usually luxurious rice boxes, with everything from chicken, beef and seafood, with soup, rice, fruits and dessert. The cast really enjoyed having meals together while chatting.

On that particular day, they were watching the filming of Shen Yue with Darren.

However, there was something – or someone—more interesting to watch than the actual filming itself. It was Dylan, standing on the side of the cameraman and crews, glaring at the actress and actor immersed in their work.

They were all watching the filming together on the side, sitting on folded chairs with their rice boxes on their lap. No one said anything, until Yinhao broke their silence.

"Who's going to tell Wang Hedi that he looks jealous as hell?"

As if on cue, the cast burst out laughing.

"Oh God, I thought we had a silent agreement to never say it out loud!"

"Pu hui pha!" Yinhao argued, giggling while swallowing his rice at the same time. "Didi is far too silly to not be gossiped about!"

"He's just too cute, really" Dong Xin interjected, her spoon in her plastic soup bowl. "Does he know we know he's crushing so hard on Shen Yue?"

"I don't think he even knows he's crushing on her" Caesar replied.

"Very true!" Connor added, "He doesn't realize what he's doing, that poor Kid."

"The way he follows her around—" Jia Qi continued.

"Shen Yue is right, he's like a loyal dog."

They all then burst laughing again together. Yinhao positively choked on his tea.

"The way he teases her like a first grader—" Connor chimed in.

"And the way he looks like he's going to punch all the guys who merely TALK to Shen Yue" Caesar chimed in. "That guy got it bad, really."

"I feel like watching a drama in a drama" Yinhao exclaimed, which everyone then agreeing with.

Together, they then watched how the scene finished filming, and Dylan then approached the two, immediately throwing a joke at Shen Yue that made her stopped talking to Darren, while pulling the back of Shen Yue's coat as if she was puppet.

"WEI! WANG HE DI! CAN YOU STOP TRYING TO DESTROY ALL MY COATS? You know it's filming property, right?"

"I'm not trying to destroy your coat, I just like playing with a pig!!!"

Shen Yue then returned talking to Darren, something the friends couldn't hear from the several meters distance. They were all walking to the direction of the eating friends.

Meanwhile, Dylan tugged harder at Shen Yue's coat, making her shrieked, half-tumbling and half-tripping. Before she fell to the cemented floor, Dylan caught her easily with one hand.

Shen Yue kicked his leg and he merely chuckled.

"Don't you think it's funny how Shen Yue is never really angry when Didi messes with her?" Connor mused.

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