She's Going to Die, He's Going to Lose His Mind

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"Are you sure we can finish all of this?" Shen Yue asked in worry, staring at the small dining table full of dishes.

"I don't think we'll have a problem. We both eat a lot."

It was Dylan's idea to have supper together in her hotel room, ordering room service. They had fun perusing the menu, which was filled with original British meal, and wanted to try a lot.

On the table were two full plates of Sunday Roasts. Each of them contained roast beef, Yorkshire pudding, roast potatoes and vegetables.

Shen Yue wouldn't be so worried if they only ordered that. Dylan being Dylan, ordered three kinds of desserts.

"Why did you order three desserts? If we couldn't finish it, it's your fault!!!"

"Wei, the menu showed only slices! How would I know it'll come in full portions?"

They both stared at the apple pie, Battenberg cake and the Treacle tart. All the desserts came in the round shape of a full cake, not slices.

".......should we order ice cream as well?" Dylan asked thoughtfully.

Shen Yue slapped his shoulder. Hard.

"Ow! What was that for???"

"Are you a buffalo? You ordered so much and we might not be able to finish all of this, but you still want ice cream???"

"Hao la, hao la. We won't order anymore. Forever torturing me, aiyo."

"Who ordered too much???"

At that precise moment, Dylan put a slice of cut beef on her lips. She went quiet and ate it.

"Whoah!!! It's so yummy!!!"

"Is it? Let me try as well."

The roast beef was indeed very delicious.

"We should drink wine as well."

She glared at him. What could she do? She just hated wasting food and drinks.

"What???" Dylan glared back. "This is our first day dating! You just said yes to me and I nearly died! We should open a bottle!"

They shared a glaring battle, but Shen Yue finally relented.

"Fine. Go pick one bottle from the fridge."

He got up to check the hotel fridge. There were indeed bottles of wine there. He read the labels seriously.

"Should we drink the red or white one?"

"........both are nice."

"Do you want to get really drunk or what?"

"Actually we'll get tipsy if we drink one whole bottle."

"But we can open one?"

Shen Yue thought for a moment before nodding.

"So choose then, red or white?"

"Um........I don't know. I can't decide. I really don't mind both."

"Wait" he said, pulling one different bottle out of the fridge, "There's champagne."

He took it and showed her the bottle.

"Should we open it?"

"This is our first day! We have to celebrate it!"

"Alright. We'll drink it if you can open it, because I don't know how."

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