Sweet and Spicy

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It took lots of ninja skills to arrive at Caesar's apartment unnoticed by a hoard of extreme fans. Dylan wouldn't be arrogant, yet even he had to admit that his fans were accumulating in numbers. He realized that it was not because of the increasing numbers of his Weibo followers, but due to the number of people following him at airports and parking lots.

He was flattered and grateful, really and truly. However, it might soon come a time when he felt suffocated by their obsession. He was just a normal guy who worked, for a living and for his passion. And like any other normal guys, he needed a breather. Just like all 9 to 5 guys deserved weekends off and holidays free from anything related to work, he often wished that his fans would let him be when he's not working.

Fans would still be fans, though. Some would be more obsessive than the others, and sometimes the only way to keep your sanity was to outsmart them.

And outsmart them he did.

It's all about leaving in ungodly hours, either very early in the morning or very late at night. He had to be accompanied by different staffs as well. There were lots of dodging and trying to be as low profile and unnoticeable as possible. He made it though, arriving at Caesar's apartment around breakfast time.

Caesar was still very sleepy when he arrived, but patted his back fondly and offered him his couch, as he returned to his room and slept for another two hours.


It's much easier for Shen Yue to go unnoticed whenever she wanted. Maybe because her fans were more relaxed. She wore the mask and hoodie still, but aside from that, her trip to Beijing was uneventful and nearly as anonymous as could be. She was of course accompanied not by her usual manager. Mantra sent another staff to be with her just for the trip. Besides that, her trip was safe from phone cameras and social media updates.

What's crowded was her mind and heart. The closer she got to Caesar's apartment, the more nervous she became. It's one thing meeting Dylan as a co-star, and another thing altogether to meet him as his girlfriend.

Her stomach already acted up since the morning. She felt nauseous and elated all at the same time, and her hands were all cold. She was pretty sure her face would look as pale as a flu patient, and she wouldn't be able to say anything that made sense and—

She arrived.

With fingers that slightly trembled, Shen Yue pressed the door bell.


Dylan opened the door with a grin, then she wasn't sure it was him who pulled her or she tripped on her own feet. Regardless, she found herself in his arms, being squeezed tight, lifted from the ground and was swung around as if she was a ten months old baby.

He was laughing, giddy and ecstatic. She found herself beaming and hugging him back.

Let's just forget all the bad things out there and be happy, shall we?


"The first thing I want us to do......" he began, with her still in his arms, and that silly grin still plastered on his face. His face was zooming in and Shen Yue tried to NOT stop breathing as he put his forehead on hers, and he said, "Is to cook for each other."

"C—cook???" she croaked.

"Yup. I want that Eight Treasure Spicy Noodles with Pineapples, like in our drama. And I'll cook you my Mom's delicious Sichuan Stir Fried Beef."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2019 ⏰

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