Just Kissing, He Said

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Dylan concluded that being good in kissing must be like being good in basketball. You'd need to practice a lot, enjoy it then use your instincts.

Kissing Shen Yue felt like a lot of things. One, it's like having fireworks bursting in his bloodstream, explosive, pretty and blinding. Two, it felt so good. So very, crazily, intensely good that he believed he could do it his whole life without getting bored. Three, it was as exciting as all his basketball triumphs combined into one.

But above all, he LOVED how HELPLESS Shen Yue was in his arms.

She was forever sassy when they bicker or joke.

That very moment though, as he tirelessly meshed their lips together, she was all melting and trembling. Her hands, which fist his hoodie hard at first, lost their strength and floated uselessly beside her body, as if she was drowning.

After some long minutes, he decided that he might have to give her time to breathe.

He retreated from her lips and ghosted his own to the side, down to her jaw.

Shen Yue took a huge lungful of air.

He grinned and continued to kiss down to the side, reaching the right side of her neck. It's definitely his first time, but he craved the taste of her skin, so he swiped his tongue there, curiously. Shen Yue's body suddenly jerked so violently that she shocked them both.

He pulled away to take a good look at her expression. Her eyes were opened wide in an obvious shock. He saw awe and fear mixed so brilliantly in her eyes. It called out a very primal need from deep inside him.

"This is fun" he rasped, admiring her flushed face and swollen lips.

When he bent down again, she said weakly, "Stop....."

His sharp eyes, that were focusing on her oh so yummy, reddening lips, moved to her eyes.

"You need to make a bigger effort Yue.....To stop me, you need to sound like you actually mean it."

I'm in deep trouble, Shen Yue thought, as he dived down and recaptured her lips.

He groaned in satisfaction when his tongue could return again to her cavern. She tasted fantastic.


When Dylan finally finished kissing her, she already fell on the bed. He crouched on all four and devoured her lips until the only thing she was able to do was simply breathing, closing her eyes and opening her mouth for him.

It was with a mountainous strength of intention that Dylan managed to NOT lie entirely on top of her but propping his weight on his hands and limbs instead. He still had the brain capacity to know that if he did that, he'd go a lot farther than he intended, and they would both have consequences to pay.

She wasn't the type that moaned during a kiss. She simply trembled from time to time, and became really submissive, as if her bones melted to water.

He, on the other hand, was the type that moaned a lot during kissing. He's expressive, and it showed during intimate moments as well. He made lewd noises during their lip lock, messing with Shen Yue's brain even more.

The seconds after he pulled away for good that night found Shen Yue lying motionlessly in bed, covering her eyes with one arm, as she fought to even her breathing.

Seeing it almost made him attacked her again, yet he still had it in him to think of her feelings, so he did nothing but reaching for her hand and entwining their fingers.

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