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"Wang Hedi. Wake up. We need to leave in two hours."

Shen Yue was freshly showered. It was 7 AM in the morning, and Dylan was still sprawled on her bed.

On HER bed. In HER hotel room.

The realization did crazy somersaults in her belly.

He's always noisy and hyperactive when he's awake. But when he's sleeping, he's so quiet and looked so peaceful. Shen Yue was kneeling on the side of the bed, peering at his face. 

It's early enough for him to return to his own hotel room without the crew or their friends seeing. She needed to wake him up that very moment.

"Wang Hedi" she called, patting his cheek. "You need to wake up now. We're leaving for the airport in two hours."

She tried patting his cheek again. "Didi. Wake up."

His eyelids fluttered then.

Crap, why does he have such long eyelashes? And this close, his skin looked really flawless.

"Didi. Time to get up."

He opened his eyes.

The first thing he saw was her. That made him smiled sleepily, his hand reaching out for her.

"Yue Yue........." he rasped out, the sound pouring her heart with honey. "So, last night really happened, right?"

She didn't answer but she smiled at him.

He stared at her for a while, before sighing, "Stop being so cute. I can't handle it."

"Tsk. What are you saying?"

"The truth" he answered. "What time is it?"

"7 AM."

"What time will we leave for the airport?"

"9 AM."

"Right" he said, sitting up. "Guess it's time to go back to my room."

"Uh huh. You should've done that seven hours ago."

He turned to her, one of his eyebrow raised.

"I don't remember you seriously trying to kick me out."

He was looking too tempting for her mental health again, so she stood up.

"Come on. You still need to shower and check your stuffs. Pack well. Don't forget your passport."

Dylan raked his hand in his hair.

Shen Yue was wearing her usual jeans and sweater. But she was barefoot, something he rarely saw, and he thought that's really cute.

He sighed again. Since he ever knew her, how many times had he thought she's "cute" in an hour?

Way too often, definitely.


They both stood silently behind her hotel room door, holding hands.

Wordlessly, they understood that things were going to change. A lot.

Meteor Garden filming had finished. As planned, they would return to their parents' houses. He to Sichuan, she to Beijing.

"I'll go to Beijing in a week. Or two. Let's see how long I can stand without you."

Shen Yue was silent, but her breathing hurt.

Dylan felt her tiny hand held his tighter.

Shen Yue cried easily, and he knew, even without looking at her face, that she began crying by then. He wanted to be strong, yet he was overwhelmed as well.

It would be harder to meet, after seeing each other all day for almost six months.

They didn't need to say it out loud. They knew it would be hard.

"Shit. I don't wanna get out from this door" he uttered, chuckling yet in pain.

He was afraid to see her face. He knew his heart would break.

Who was he, though, if he's not Shen Yue's Dao Ming Si, the guy who would never be able to stand being silent when she cried?

He reached out to touch her chin, looking at her face, and finding out that yes, tears were streaming down her face.

"Are these tears for me?"

Shen Yue let out a sob and pulled her hand from his grab, wanting to run away somewhere where he wouldn't be able to hear her dissolving to pieces.

He wouldn't let her leave his sight though, his hands easily reached out for her wrist, before pulling her into his arms.

"Hey," he called, "this is not goodbye. You know that, right?"

She buried her face on his chest, beginning to genuinely cry.

He lifted her chin again and looked straight into her eyes.

"We'll work this out. I promise. Stop crying"

Shen Yue was unable to say anything, but her hands were gripping a handful of his hoodie.

"I'll see you soon, don't worry. I'll always be that silly guy who can't stand too long without seeing his girl."

She really couldn't say a world. She was shocked with her own reaction. Maybe she had been denying her fear and sadness. She might have felt it a few weeks before the filming ended, that it would be hard to meet him once the filming was done. That morning, though, the truth really slammed her heart. She was so down that it was getting harder to breathe.

Dylan was touched, nevertheless. Although he was sad too that a phase of his life where he could see her everyday due to work would be over, he was also very happy to see her behaving like that, for it confirmed that his feelings were far from one sided.

She obviously felt the same way, her hands were around him, hugging him tight.

"I love you" he vowed. "We won't be together everyday, but my mind will always be full of you."

Shen Yue then let him go and pulled away.

"You better go back to your room now. Check all your things before going to the lobby later."

"I will" he said, bending down to peck her lips then smiling at her. "See you in a bit."

With that, he opened her door and walked out of the room.

Shen Yue then leaned on the door and took several deep breaths, her tears falling down.

I have to be strong. We have to be strong. Like he said, we'll work this out.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the sad ending of the chapter. It's necessary though.

Thank you for reading and commenting on this fic! I'm very happy this has passed 1,000 views. I think it's a lot for someone who just started writing Dyshen.

I'm not a teenager like many of wattpad readers are.

I'm a full time English teacher and life is busy, but I will try to update this as regularly as I can.

Maybe because of being sleep deprived, my blood pressure is very high. I checked it yesterday. Guess that's why I've been having bad headaches this week. Will focus to be healthier from now on.

All of you too, please remember to take care of your health.

See you on the next update!

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