Not Backing Down

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Warning: Hold on tight, Readers, this is going to be a bumpy read. Don't say I didn't warn you.

He was the "better phone call than texting" kinda guy.

She was the "better texting than calling" kinda girl.

They did both that week, though. A lot.

Both were feeling withdrawals. There was regret once a certain moment had passed. Time would never return for anyone, and they were entering a time when they both were so in love yet they knew it was hard to even just meet and spend time together.

They both knew that after that week off was over, their agencies would make them come to lots of magazine photoshoots, interviews and variety shows.

With the mounting feeling of missing each other, somehow the pain was also sweet. Even for Shen Yue who had dated before, she admitted she had never felt that way for any other guys before. Until Dylan Wang happened. 

She's usually a very sensible girl, not liking to daydream for too long. Yet she felt melancholic that week, stuck between how sad yet sweet the situation she was in.

She caught herself smiling whenever she read his texts.

Whenever they video called, she tried to look as normal as she could, but when he said nothing and only stared at her face on his phone screen, she'd give in and giggled.

His intensity secretly scared her as well......

An evil voice inside her would often say, "Come on. He's only 19 and you're 20. You don't seriously think you guys would last forever, right?".

She would stomp on those mental voices and tried hard to not over-analyze the situation.

He liked her and she liked him back, and that was enough.

Wasn't it?


There were good days and bad days. That day would be the latter for Dylan.

He felt somehow suffocated with the house where he grew up that day. He loved everybody living and breathing there, yet it didn't house the one person he wanted to be with the most.

Fed up playing with just his phone and wondering what she was doing every second, he went out to play basketball on his own at a nearby field.

Once he got exhausted shooting the ball to the loop by himself, he walked to the edge of the field, reaching for his mineral water and phone.

There was a text from his friend in the aviation academy.

"Hello Actor Wang. We all miss you. If you're not busy, care to have dinner with your classmates?"

He sighed and looked up at the cloudy sky.

He didn't regret his decision to jump into the entertainment world. He really didn't. But sometimes he missed his life when it was a lot simpler, like when he was still in the academy.

Happily, he replied, "Why not? I'm free tonight. Just text me when and where."


Typically, the dinner was at a famous hotpot restaurant. A dozen of his closest classmates were there. He loved them, he loved the food very much, and he loved how he felt between them. It's as if he was still the old him, not Dylan Wang the rising actor who got people recording his every moves whenever he was in public.

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