Chapter 28

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"Hello, Goodafternoon?" Bambam uttered hesitantly as she saw a woman in 40's, talking to another woman in counter

The two woman stopped their chats and looked at bambam.

"Hello! Goodmorning! May I help you?" The woman in 40's answered while smiling

"Ah yes! Mrs..?"

"Mrs. Lee" the woman smiled and offered a hand shake, "and you? what's your name? How may I help you?"

"Pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Lee! just call me bam," bam replied smiling and shaking their hands, "and that woman right there," he pointed at lisa who was busy roaming on the orphanage, "That's my boss, Lisa Manoban. We are from K.I."

"Oh, the famous K.I."

"Yes Mrs. Lee, the famous K.I." bam answered confidently

"What brings you here, dear?"

"Uhmm.." Bam answered hesitantly as she looked at the another woman in counter

"Oh" looks like Mrs. Lee got the message, "excuse us for a while, chaeyoung"

"Please, Mrs. Lee" The woman replied while smiling

Mrs. Lee started walking, when bambam asked, "mrs. lee? may I asked something?"


"What's her name?" bam asked while scratching his nape, showing shy attitude

"Who?" Mrs. Lee asked confusedly

"Son Chaeyoung" a deep, husky voice, interfered

The two looked at where the voice came from, "oh! Lis! Uh-mm.. h-how did you know?"

"She's been checking me out and she asked me if I'm with you, I said yes" Lisa chuckled, "she said you were rude for thinking that she is a gossip girl"

"What!?" Bam asked unbelievably

Mrs. Lee chuckled, "she's always like that"

Bam pouted like a kid, then lisa talked, "you like her"


"Stop denying bro"

"I don't like her okay?"

"I can see it"

"Damn it lisa, i don't"

They continue their bickering infront of Mrs. Lee until a boy approached them, tugging Mrs. Lee's blouse, "Hey, jack, do you need something?"

"No, Mrs. Lee" the boy shook her head continuously

"Then what is it?"

The three of them looked at where the boy pointed and it's a playground where a random kids were there.

"Again?" Mrs. Lee sighed, "Lisa, Bam, I'm sorry for interruption but I needed to go there"

"Oh, it's okay Mrs. Lee, no worries, we can wait" bam answered and smiled genuinely

"Thank you" them Mrs. Lee disappeared.

The two went on the visitors area and sat on the couch.

"What do you think?" Bam blurted out of nowhere

Lisa looked at him confusedly, "what what do you think?"

"The girl, in the counter"

"Oh. She looks good, fluffy cheeks? to be honest, she's pretty" lisa answered, "but no one beats my Jennie"

"Damn it lisa, you ruined you being angel for me"

"Ha ha funny"

They stayed there for a minute until lisa snapped out, "I'll just roam around, call me when mrs. lee gets back"

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