"So, what do you do?"
"A-ah, you're talking to me?"
"Ah! Jennie! We're almost having chit chats for almost a minutes!"
Michaella groaned because honestly speaking, she and Jennie were talking for almost 20 minutes or what.
"Oh, okay, sorry for staring too much" Jennie apologized and smiled
"Why are you staring?"
"You have beautiful eyes" Jennie replied honestly
"No, I don't" michaella quickly said and looked away
"Yes. Don't doubt your beauty"
"I don't. please let's not talk about me" michaella returned her gaze at jennie, "what do you do?"
Jennie stared confusedly.
"Ah!! jennie girl, you're so slow!" michaella cried, "your work!"
"Okay okay!" Jennie lifted her hands in defeat, "I'm a doctor"
"A doctor? like what?" The kid asked
"A surgeon, like that"
"So you treat people?"
"Yes, I treat people by my hands"
"Are you rich?" Michaella asked, eyeing the woman in front of her
"Okay okay! The bed is ready!" Lisa came out of nowhere, her sleeves rolled up in her arms, her tattoos showing
"So, you girls hungry?" Lisa asked and went beside Jennie, "I called Mina to order us some food some food" lisa grinned
"You bother her in this late hour?" Jennie looked at lisa, "love, you could've called by your own" jennie scold
"Sorry" lisa then kissed jennie's cheek, "besides, she's my secretary"
"lis, you're not on your work anymore"
Lisa sighed and holds jennie's hands, peppering it with a kiss, "I'm sorry, okay? I won't do it again"
"Better" jennie kissed the tip of Lisa's nose
Michaella was shocked for the 7th time and went hastily between lisa and jennie, causing them to part.
"Oppa, I'm hungry" michaella used her aegyo, just to divert Lisa's attention to her
She did. Lisa giggled and pinched michaella's cheek, "you hungry kid" she took michaella and placed the kid on her lap, "the food is on the way, so tell your tummy worms to wait, okay?" Lisa smiled
Michaella nodded excitedly and hugged lisa while jennie was staring at them, smile was visible in her lips, and her tears are slowly forming on her cat eyes.
"That position looked so very familiar" jennie said
Lisa looked at jennie and smiled sadly, holding jennie's hands, her other arms were supporting michaella's back.
"I love you" Lisa said
"you won't stay?" lisa asked as they were in the living room, watching movies, they were cuddling and it feels like the very first time again
Michaella slept on their house's guest room. Lisa planned to return the kid earlier in the morning.
"As long as I want love, I can't. I need to be back at the hospital later"
"What will you do there? In this late hour?"
"I have a patient who was in ICU, the person badly hit hear head and broke her spinal chord because of the accident. I don't know when she will woke up. Her parents asked me to do everything I can" jennie replied while snuggling on Lisa's chest

Random"I'm claiming you back to me" (JN.LS) 2018 All rights reserved.