The first encounter

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No one's POV

She ran as fast as her legs could take her. She stumbled as she fled across fallen trees and stones. Her face was pale and filled with fatigue and her limbs were bloody. Those beautiful e/c eyes shone with determination, determination to survive.

//10 years later// 
Your POV.

I awoke to the birds chirping harmoniously. Bees buzzed as they danced around the flowers on her windowsill. I slowly raised my head, my messy h/c hair tied in what used to be a bun. I groaned. Another day, and more things to do. I settle back down into my duvet. I was just about to go back to sleep  before I was rudely interrupted. Someone knocked on the door before saying:
"Sergeant l/n, the Colonel requests your presence. Please head to his office immediately"

I guess I won't be getting much sleep for now.
"Understood. You are dismissed", I replied, trying to sound more awake than I actually was.
As I heard the retreating footsteps I finally tore myself from the warm embrace of my bed. I slipped out of my pyjamas and slipped on a black tank with yellow-lined black trousers. I tamed my extremely messy hair before practically jumping into my combat boots. I grabbed my pouch and left my flat.

I unwrapped my drink from its container and took a swig as I finally reached the outskirts of central. That run sure took a bit longer then expected. I'll be sure to mention that I RAN here as the AMAZINGLY KIND Colonel surely only FORGOT to send me a ride. He's in for it now.

I tried to contain my irritation as I strut my way to his office. I practically flung his door open and announced:
"Hey Flamebrain. Thanks for the ride."

He snarkily replied with a smirk: "Oh Goldenheart. Nice to see you're filled with energy so early in the morning..oh wait, it's already 2pm. Were you sleeping young Sergeant?"

My face flared up as my mouth opened, then closed once more. I guess I have no choice but to give in. I swiftly averted my gaze, indicating that I was no longer interested.
"So what did you call me here for?"

He smiled:
"Straight to the point as always. I have some people for you to meet. You'll be their new partner. You look after them and accompany them wherever they go."

My face displayed no other emotion except for confusion. What am I about to do? Be some partner for people I've never met? This better be some childish joke.

Mustang obviously noticed by my facial expression what thoughts were running through my head. He sighed before saying "These are orders from the Führer himself."

I was now shocked. Orders from the Führer himself? If I turn these down I'll be dead meat! I sighed and slightly tugged at my bracelet. I looked up at Mustang showing him that I agree to the terms.

"When do I meet them?"
"In about 10 minutes"

Now I really was freaking out. Okay so FIRSTLY I was taken away from my precious sleep, SECONDLY I had to run here and NOW I have to become some partner to people I'll meet in 10 minutes?! I was now going haywire. Do I look okay? What am I going to do if they aren't nice? Will I become some babysitter for a bunch of kids?! I was torn away from my train of thoughts when Mustang asked me to take a seat.

Not long after sitting down someone busted down the door. The culprit was some shorty with blonde hair and matching eyes, he stomped up to the Colonel with a scowl on his face. Following behind him was a guy in a MASSIVE suit of armour. How on earth could they wear something that looked so heavy? Their aura seemed a lot calmer and more sensitive. They tried to pry the shrimp away from Mustang and stop him from yelling at the Colonel any more but wasn't proving to be very successful.

The kid suddenly stopped yelling after Mustang told him something. His head slowly turned around and his eyes gazed into mine. Did I miss something? I wasn't listening. I sent him an awkward smile as I tried to figure out what that damn Flamebrain just told him. Oh, it's probably the same thing he told me. His face suddenly turned annoyed again as he once again continued his yelling at Mustang.

"We don't need some babysitter! I have Al and that's the only guy I need!"


"Brother please calm down! You're confusing her. We should at least give her a shot..."

Are you messing with me?

I glanced at Mustang who seemed to be greatly enjoying this situation. He must have felt my gaze because he quickly shot a glance at me before telling the two to sit down. The people sat down opposite me. Mustang made his way next to me, making me sink into the sofa slightly due to the increased weight.

"This is y/n, She will be your new partner", Mustang announced.
I felt their gazes on me, I slightly shrunk down. I never really handled attention very well. "You are to let her accompany you on your missions, and she will therefore help you with whatever you require. "

The blond guy laid his eyes on me for a second before asking the Colonel: "Can she really hold her own though? I don't want to have to babysit some kid"

That was the last straw. I straightened myself up before staring right into the shrimps eyes. I calmy said :
"I am y/n l/n, the Goldenheart alchemist. I hold the title of Sergeant and am definitely capable of looking after myself. My only question is if you can. Oh and I'm the same age as you, shorty so don't go getting any ideas."

Mustang watched with entertainment as Fullmetal exploded. "WHO'S SO SHORT YOU CAN'T SEE THEM WITH A MAGNIFYING GLASS?!" As he went on and on with those silly comparisons his brother tried his best to make him quiet.
My face lit up slightly and I smiled in what seemed like forever. What a funny pair. "This might actually be more fun than I thought."

Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my book! This is my first book I've ever written so please go easy on me. There will most likely be grammatical errors so I apologise in advance. I really hope you enjoyed reading and if you did please let me know in the comments. A follow would be highly appreciated! Thanks again!

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