The sin

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I woke up early, my head filled with nightmares. I quietly slip out of bed, making sure I don't wake Ed up. As I made my way to the kitchen I sighed. "These dreams are getting worse again", I mumble under my breath.
I slowly grasp the handle of my fridge and open the door to all the food...there wasn't much left over. I sigh again, thinking of going to the store is a bother.  I don't want to do that chore. After grabbing the remaining eggs and bacon, putting the frying pan on the stove, and flicking the switch on, I think about the brothers. I don't know much about them, and they don't know much about me. Yet I still trust them with my life. It's not because of flame brain forcing me to protect them anymore, it's because I don't want to see them hurt.
"I care about those damn brothers", I say out loud.
"We care about you too y/n!"
My face turns beet red as I remember Alphonse was sleeping in this room.
"Ahhhhh please just forget about everything I said", I plead.
Al laughs slightly before teasing me.
"You care about us~~"
My face turns even redder. After some more of Al' s teasing I can't take it anymore. I might explode.
"Please go wake your brother up, I made us all breakfast"
After saying those words I say that I'm going to the store and that they can help themselves to anything they want.

I push the door closed and lock it, and slide the key under the door in case the brothers need to get out. I skip along the cobbled path. Water splashes as I step in puddles. My h/l h/c hair bounces along with every movement I make. My face has finally returned to it's usual s/c colour. I smile. These boys are so kind. They mean a lot to me already, I just want to know more about them. I slide the shop's door open as I enter. I make my way along shelves and pick things up every once in a while. By the end of my shop I've bought milk, rice, meat and some other necessities. I head home with full hands and a content smile on my face.

As I knock on the door I hear the boys argue on who will open the door. I giggle slightly, how sweet. In the end alphonse wins and he opens the door, letting me inside. Being the gentleman he is, he picks my shopping bags up and carries them into the kitchen. I look at Ed. He's sitting at the table, a grumpy frown on his face. On the table an empty plate is visible, the remains of what looks like some eggs are left on the plate. My lips curl into a warm smile. I ask
"Did you enjoy the food?"
Ed's expression drastically changes and he nods his head vigorously up and down. I smile again, and go to help Al unpack the shopping.

After doing all we needed to do we left the house and headed towards Tucker's home. Ed and I read in the library, whereas Al played with Nina. Before long Nina begins to talk about her mother. I frown before placing my book down and going to comfort the poor girl.
"Don't worry Nina. You have us now. Your big brothers and big sister!", I tell her reassuringly.
I knew what it felt like, and didn't want anyone to feel anything like I did. Ed yawns before stretching. He then says
"Hey mut! Looks like you could use some exercise."
I grin slightly before wondering what Ed was going to do now. Al and I watch Ed, Alexander and Nina play together. It made me smile, yet something inside me hurt. I felt a pang of loneliness. I began to look down, the smile disappearing off my face as I did so. Ed was tackled for what seemed to be the 100th time by Alexander and before long I decided to join in. I chased Ed around with Alexander.
"Hey, no fair!", Ed yelled as he ran.
I just laughed and continued playing.
After a while of playing we came in. I overheard Tucker talking about something to Nina. I quietly listened in to their conversation.
"Nina dear, would you like to play with daddy tomorrow?" Tucker told Nina.
I felt happy for her, Nina wanted to play with her father for a while but he's always been too busy with other things.
Nina gasped before asking
"Really daddy? Will you really play with me!"
Tucker simply replies yes.
Nina sprinted into her father with a cute smile painted across her face. I suddenly wondered why Tucker suddenly decided to play with Nina. I thought that he was too busy with his assessment day. I shook it off, deciding that he probably missed playing with his daughter. If he didn't, he was definitely missing out on a wonderful girl.

The next day we all returned to the Tucker house. We walked on and on, but saw no sign of anyone. How weird. We eventually found Tucker in a dark room. Something seemed off about him, but I couldn't place my finger on what it was.
"Look children, I finally did it. I made a talking chimera", he told us.
"Wow!" Ed said with interest. I however was still focused on the weird feeling I had in the pit of my stomach, something was definitely wrong. I just need to find out what.
"That person over there is Edward, and the young lady next to him is y/n"
"Ed...ward" the chimera uttered almost in a whisper. What happened next shocked me.
"Big..bro..ther Ed" the chimera uttered.
My face twisted into a face filled with shock. That chimera..It's Nina.
My mind was in another world. All those repressed memories came pouring back into my mind. My brother, my parents, the taboo I committed. All these things I tried to forget came flooding back. Before I knew it tears were pouring down my face. It's all too much. I don't want to remember. I don't.
By now Ed was attacking Tucker. Ed threw punches at his face, Ed was just as upset as I was. I shuffled over to Nina and whispered
"I'm so sorry"
My tears fell into her fur and I heard her heartbeat against my ear as I embraced her. This thing Tucker created, he should be punished! He shouldn't be able to live with himself after this sin he's committed!
Al held Ed's arm and told him
"If you keep punching him he'll die!"
The chimera released itself from my grasp and said
" Daddy, do you..hurt? Daddy?"
Al talked to the chimera as I tried to comfort Ed. I wasn't too convincing as my face was just as distorted as his. Tears stream down my face as I repeatedly tell Ed "I'm sorry" until it turns into a full fledged yell.
Tucker talks about how glad he is that he can keep his title as a state alchemist. This just upset me even more. After all this I finally couldn't hold onto consciousness anymore, and everything turned black.
Hi Guys.
I guess it finally happened..Nina. This was a sad chapter to write, but I hope you still enjoyed it.
As always, Votes, comments and follows are always appreciated, and really motivate me! If you have time, please do so, it helps a lot!
Thank you for reading!

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