Sparring and Realization

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And who exactly are you?

The woman looked at me with a confused expression. I swiftly stood at the 'shun* and said "y/n l/n Ma'am. Ed and Al's Partner"
"Oh?" She replied with a smirk. "Then how about you join them with the 100 push ups and 15 miles? If you do it, dinner will be served~"

Damn..if they find out about my limbs..they might come to hate me. But I have no choice.
"Understood" I replied. I could feel Ed and Al's fearful gaze upon the lady. I wonder what her name is..
"Izumi Curtis" she said.
My face turned to that of shock. How did she know what I was thinking?
"Now get to work! Y/n, you can watch the boys spar until it's your turn" We then all began to walk outside to a clear space. Perfect for sparring.

After watching the boys try to best their teacher, I began to feel a bit worried for them. Ed got back to his feet, ready to face her again after another hearty blow, but his knees buckled beneath him. I suppose that's to be expected when you've been thrown and punched at least 35 times in one day already. Izumi yelled "C'mon, let's see some hustle! Don't tell me you can't even get up?!" I sweatdropped slightly. "She's relentless.."
Ed began to stand up again. Although his feet were shaking, nothing could keep him down for long.
"That all you got?" Ed yelled out as he lunged towards Izumi. He's being reckless..
"I don't like your attitude!" Izumi shook her head. She swiftly drew out her arm and caught Ed right in the stomach. I cringed just by looking at it. He flew up into the air once again, and came back down with a thud.

"Now it's your turn" she said as she gestured towards me. Ed and Al sat down and began patching eachover up, but they sat close enough to be able to watch us spar. I sighed and stretched as I stood up. I decided, better late than never. If they find out, they find out. I shook my right arm and kicked out my legs. Now I'm ready.

She must have noticed that something was weird about me, because she kept aiming for my right arm. This made it a bit easier though, at least I know what she's trying to hit. Or at least that's what I thought.
"You have good reflexes! You're fast too, but I wonder why?" She asked as she pounced at my legs, tearing the fabric apart. Ed and Al gasped loudly and blood instantly rushed to my face. I swiftly punched my right arm towards her, hoping to hit her square in the stomach. Unfortunately, she was able to dodge and catch my arm. Her expression changed slightly as she gripped my automail arm. "You have another?" She questioned under her breath before letting go. We all stood in silence for a few seconds.

Ed and Al surely hate me now. For doing something so terrible. I looked over at them. Their faces looked disgusted, or at least that's what I thought. Ed began walking towards me. I felt scared. What's he going to do to me? But before I could back away, he brought me into an embrace. I felt confused. I thought that they would surely hate me. Why is he hugging me?
Ed then started to rub my head with his fist and he said "why didn't you tell us sooner, Idiot?" I nervously chuckled "ummm you..didn't know? hahaha..." Then I began to sprint away asfast as I could.
"AL! SHE'S GETTIN' AWAY!" Ed yelled at his brother before running after me. Al laughed and joined in.
"I guess you can start your 15 miles before the 100 press ups.." Izumi sighed.

We all ran happily through the evening streets. It's as if none of us had been completely bested by their teacher. "We couldn't even land one blow on her!" Al exclaimed.
" Ack, she hits hard.." Ed groaned whilst rubbing his head.
"Your teacher is amazing! I hope to learn many things from her" I smiled happily. The evening breeze felt perfect as it blew our hair back and forth slightly. Golden hues shone upon the town. Everything felt so wonderful. If only things could stay like this forever. Ed, Al and I..happy and without this huge burden we carry.
As we ran we stopped in bookshops and antique stores. The boys said that they are trying to find clues to the Philosophers stone's whereabouts. "We want to get our bodies back" Ed told me with a solemn smile. "And now we can try to get yours back too, y/n!" Al added. I smiled sadly and said:

"I truly hope this dream becomes a reality"

*'shun Is basically a command for standing at attention

Hi Readers!
I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. I'm really trying my best to at least upload once a week. So look forward to it! Ed and Al finally found out one of y/n's secrets..but they took it greatly! Maybe this can bring them all together, since they now share a common goal. To get their bodies back.

I'll see you all next week! Please continue to support me by voting and commenting! Your comments always brighten up my day!

Bye bye~

The Goldenheart alchemist. (Ed X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now