Nina and Alexander

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After entering Tucker's house he mentioned
"Sorry for the mess. Ever since my wife left me this place has been a disaster. I'm not much of a housekeeper..."
It's as if he knew what I was weird.
"Don't worry. I'm sure it's hard when you lose a loved one", I reply with a warm smile.
Tucker asked us to sit down and he gave us all some tea. I decided that I would rather spend time with Nina because what the boys talk about isn't any of my business. I excused myself and left to find Nina and Alexander. I saw them together in the garden. The sun was bright and it was quite warm. Flowers painted the garden, making it seem vibrant and colourful.
I glance over at Nina. Her small smile became a big one once she noticed my presence.
"Big Sister! Please play with me!" The little girl exclaimed with pure joy as she didn't hold back her excitement.
"Of course dear. That's why I came", I smiled back at her.
I made flower crowns with Nina. There was a slight breeze that let our hair sway from side to side. Alexander lay peacefully next to Nina and slept. Nina had her tongue stuck out as she concentrated on the flower crown she was making. I lay on my back and quietly listened to Nina's humming. I felt so...calm. This isn't like me. I can usually never relax. I took advantage of this temporary feeling. Before long the breeze and calming humming left me asleep.

After reading in the library for what seemed like a while I noticed that y/n wasn't here. I haven't heard anything from her since we came here. Just as I was about to continue reading I heard some laughing and clanking of metal.
"Al better not be skiving again", I mutter under my breath as I slowly stood up. I made my way towards the noise.
As I arrived I saw the culprits. Al and Nina had placed a flower crown on y/n's head. Y/n seemed to not notice..That's unlike her. As I came closer I noticed that she was asleep. I smirk before I burst out laughing with the others. I decided that we should wake her, it isn't very good to sleep for too long during the day.
"Hey y/n, wake up", I asked her as I slightly shook her.
"H-huh?", y/n replied with confusion.
She sat up and gently rubbed her eye with her right arm, before quickly switching to the left arm. Weird. She looked up at me with tired eyes, a slight line of drool was dripping from her lip to her chin, her hair was still quite presentable with the odd messy bits on the top. Her shirt was tilted and hung from one shoulder, just about revealing some cleavage and what looked like metal on her right shoulder. My face became as red as a fire engine on fire. How ironic. I quickly looked away and suddenly this random strand of grass became VERY interesting.
"Come in for dinner in about 10 minutes or so. See you then", I almost whispered as I left.
"Come on Al", I said withought looking back. I knew that he would follow me. Y/n stayed with Nina and Alexander as he pounced on her.
"Haha Alexander! Stop that, it tickles!", I heard in the distance. That damn dog.

How embarrassing. Everyone except Tucker saw me asleep. I should apologise later. I looked over at Nina and Alexander and before I knew it I had been crushed. Alexander was now on me as he licked my face.
"Haha Alexander! Stop that, it tickles!", I  said as I laughed. Nina laughs with me and before long we both get up. As I was walking to the door Nina slid her hand onto mine. Her hand was warm, unlike my one. She wouldn't feel anything through these gloves, at least I hope she doesn't.
We both walk hand in hand to the dining room. We ate a nice meal. All of us together..This reminds me of some thing, I just can't put my finger on what it is.
After eating, Tucker insisted that we came back tomorrow. Just as we were leaving I overheard something to do with an assessment day. I sure hope Tucker is okay.
The car took us all back to my home and before I could ask where the boys wanted to go the driver left. How rude! Now I'm stuck with two guys and what am I going to do now?
"We can sleep out here y/n. We've slept worse", Al tells me.
Now I really would feel bad. I quickly say "Don't worry. You two can come with me. I don't mind."
I led the boys to my house and I fiddled with the keys before unlocking the door.
"It isn't the best house, but it's still my home. Please excuse it being untidy", I warned them.
I pushed the door open and walked in. I set my keys down near the door and walked into the kitchen part. I quietly boiled the kettle and walked over to the boys a few minutes later with some tea. The boys seemed to not know where to sit, so they still just kinda stood near the entrance. I told them to take a seat around the table, as I had no sofa. Al sat on a stool and Ed sat opposite me. I set the tea down and placed a few cookies on the table. I could feel Ed's eyes on them, his stomach growled. We just ate? Does he never become full?
"Help yourself. They're homemade", I told him.
Withought hesitation Ed grabbed one and bit into it. His features became soft and a slight blush appeared on his face.
"These are good", he told me before grabbing another one.
My face lit up.
"No one's ever said that before..", I mutter underneath my breath. I smile a warm smile as I gaze into my cup of tea.
The problem I was putting off finally revealed itself to everyone. There is only one bed. I look at Ed and Al with a face that said "What do we do"
Ed straight up said
"I'll just stay in your bed"
My face heated up slightly and in the end I nodded. I can't really argue with him.
"I'm going to go for a shower. Make yourself at home you two", I say.
I slip out of my clothes and look at my right arm and legs. My eyes turn dark as I think back to unwanted memories. I push them away. I don't want to think about them, at least not now. I turn the hot water on and wash myself. I apply some f/s (favourite shampoo) to my hair. I grab hold of the knob and turn it until the water ceases to drop. I wipe myself with a towel before wrapping it around my body, then reality kicked in.
"SHOOT", I mentally yell. I forgot fresh clothes. Oh dear truth why?!
I open the door a bit, just enough for me to peer out into the corridor.
"The coast is clear", I utter under my breath. I swiftly ninja my way from wall to wall and into my ironing room. In there I usually iron. Simple. I spot a black tank top and quickly begin slipping it on. Some sweatpants are also to be found and I put those on too. I skip to my room with an impressed smirk on my face. Little did I know that someone peeked.
After letting Ed shower and setting out some clothes for tomorrow I get into bed. I don't care if Ed's in here or not, if I fall asleep first I won't even notice! Some weird logic I have..I know. But it won't matter if it works!

I talked to Al for a while before I decided that sleep was inevitable. As I walked to y/n's room I began to think about Tucker. Something is fishy about him, but I don't know what.
Before I could even realise I noticed that I was just standing in front of y/n's room.
"I guess I should sleep and think more tomorrow", I thought as I opened the door carefully. Inside I saw a sleeping y/n under the covers. She was wearing a tank top, sweatpants, and long gloves that went down her arms and thick socks. She looked uncomfortable with those unnecessary clothes on, but I'm in no position to take them off her. That would just be too weird. I don't even know her that well.
I slip under the covers with my black shirt and shorts, and before long I fell asleep.
Hi Guys!
Sorry for not updating very much, I've been doing exams and had no spare time. I'll try to get chapters out more often.
Once again Votes, comments and follows are highly appreciated! They really motivate me!
See you all soon!

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