A break?!

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Later that evening Y/n was discharged after some minor scrapes and bruises were tended to. She smiled at her partners as she walked along the path heading to Mustang's office. Ed wasn't as happy as y/n was though. His teeth were grinding as they made their way to Mustang. "That idiot should learn his place and not be so cocky all the damn time", Ed told us with an angry expression. I just chuckled slightly and looked ahead.
"I wonder what awaits us today"

After arriving, Mustang gave us a knowing expression. All that happened with Tucker obviously traumatised us, but we won't let things get to us that easily. I have memories that burden me much more than this experience does. We all sat down, but I was daydreaming instead of paying attention to the conversation. I unknowingly focused on Mustang's lips. Open, closed, open and closed. Before long I guess he realised that I was staring, because he suddenly stared at me. After a while I was torn from my daze and I quickly spat out "what, something on my face?"

He just replied "coulda asked you the same thing Goldie" before continuing on. My face flushed slightly and Instead of looking at that stupid mug I decided to look at a different face. Firstly Alphonse. His armour reflected the light that shined in from the window. It glimmered attractively whenever he changed his position. I wondered why he was so big in comparison to his older brother, but decided that it isn't polite to pry.

I then looked at Ed. His attractive golden hair reminded me of an angel's halo. "Wait, what the hell am I thinking!"

I decided that before anything else could cross my mind, I will pay attention to the boring conversation. But alas, I was already too late.

"Y/n, come on let's leave!" Ed yells to me as he holds the door open.

"Sorry!" I reply curtly as I hurry over. I politely bow goodbye to Mustang before closing his doors behind me. I glance up at the brothers who were already walking along the corridor.

After leaving the building, I ask the brothers "So where are we going now?"
They both look at each other before Ed asks me
"Did you seriously not hear anything that idiot said? We're having a break."
Alphonse added sadly "Because of recent events"
"Oh" I frowned, but that soon changed.

My sad face turned to one of pure excitement in an instant. "Wait, Flamebrain seriously gave us a break? He never does that!"
I hopped back and forth in excitement at the idea of having some time to myself.
"Yes" Al said. "We're going to see our teacher in Reesembool. We wanted to ask you if you'd like to join us!"

"It's a good opportunity for us to learn more about the philosophers stone, and to practise our alchemy" Ed continued.

The gears in my mind turn as I think about the situation. Would it benefit me more than seeing brother? In the end
y/n decided "Yes! I'll come" before catching up to the brothers ahead.

Little did y/n know, that this wouldn't be very different to work. How will this break turn out if they don't exactly relax?
I'm so sorry for not updating! I've been doing exams and life has been annoying recently. I'll be sure to update soon because of this short chapter. Thank you for sticking with me for so long!
I'm now adding one of the light novels into the story. I'll change some aspects of it, but all in all it will be quite similar to the actual book. The next chapter will be longer than this one, so I hope that you'll look forward to it!

Thank you once again for reading

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