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I shuffled slightly under the covers. "I completely forgot that there was only one bed!" I blushed. Currently, Ed and I were sharing the bed and Al was on the floor. "Sleep well" Al winked at us before he walked away, leaving us both blushing messes. We both turned away from eachover, because come on, it's kinda awkward being in the same bed as someone you kinda like. That was until I felt some movement behind me, and an arm placed around my waist. Ed's small snores filled the room's silence, slowly lulling me to sleep along with him.

In the morning the sun streamed in through the window. The golden hues almost blinding me as I opened my eyes. I tried to get up, but the weight around my waist pulled me back down under the covers. Ed huskily whispered "stay a bit longer, I want to keep sleeping"
I blushed slightly, but still snuggled closer to his chest and closed my eyes. Before long, I fell back into a comfortable slumber.

Ed's POV

Y/n looks so peaceful when she's asleep. It's unfortunate that she doesn't sleep very much, because this peaceful expression really suits her. Who knew that someone could make me feel so warm and happy inside. Her beautiful e/c eyes always seem so sad when I gaze into them, yet I still find myself getting lost in them. Her silky h/c hair looks so soft, it makes me want to pet her. If only mother were still alive, she would know what I was feeling, and what I should do next. When she's sad it makes me feel so frustrated..I just don't understand.  What's happening to me? Maybe Teacher will know..

3rd Person POV

Around 10am Al decided to wake the lovebirds up, because they need to continue their training with their teacher. He looked at the bed and noticed that his brother was lovingly gazing at y/n. Grinning, Al couldn't help but decide to tease Ed. "Wakey wakey, rise and shine!" Al exclaimed, causing Ed to jump.
Y/n slowly opened her eyes, and rubbed them cutely. Her shirt wasn't covering one shoulder and hung loosely around her upper torso. As she stretched, her stomach was slightly visible. And to top it all off, she was wearing the boyfriend shirt™ because y/n forgot to bring pyjamas.
Ed quickly covered his nose and uttered a quick "I'll be back in a sec" before hurrying off to the bathroom.

Why the hell does she make me feel this way?!

Hi Y/n! I hope that you are enjoying the story so far! Please comment, vote and all of that other stuff because it really motivates me to upload! Love you!
Have a great day ♡♡

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2020 ⏰

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