Travelling and meeting Teacher

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Travelling took a long time. Who knew that it would take this long to get to Dublith? In the beginning I could entertain myself by simply reading, but now that I've finished, there's nothing else to do! The Elric brothers seem to be talking amongst themselves, so I don't want to butt into their conversation. I blankly stared out of the window. Trees glistened when the sun's rays shone upon their leaves. It had recently been raining, so the floor was damp and dew drops remained on plants. All of these sights were so..calming. I'm not used to feeling so relaxed. I yawned slightly and my eyes felt heavy. "If I sleep, time will pass quickly. Then I won't have to wait for so long", I decided.


I was enjoying my casual conversation with Al. "We need to know how to get our bodies back, and teacher might be able to help us", Al reasoned.
"She'll scold us though" I replied.

We continued to bicker back and forth, but our conversation wasn't really going anywhere, so I eventually agreed with Al. We began talking about other things until I felt my shoulder become heavy. I glanced to my side and saw h/c hair and heard quiet breaths. My face began to flush red. Y/n Is sleeping on me? My brain was going haywire and my face was turning all shades of red imaginable. Al couldn't hold back his laughter and chuckled at my flustered state. How kind of you, brother.

In the end I decided "Hey, this isn't a big deal! Al has slept on my shoulder before. It's what friends do." And I relaxed my posture. Al must have decided to zone out, so my talking buddy no longer exists for a while. "Ugh. This is so boring!" I mentally exclaimed. I looked back at y/n and smiled slightly. She's a lot cuter when she isn't so angry. I sighed and delved into my thoughts. I have to get our bodies back, no matter what.


My eyes fluttered open and I felt warm breath tickling my ear. It took me a second until I realised that I fell asleep, laid my head on Ed's shoulder, and his head is currently on mine?! He must be tired too, considering everything that's happened recently. I haven't slept so well in a while. Maybe it's the same for him. I decided to not wake him up and just close my eyes again.

The peaceful atmosphere didn't last long before the conductor's voice along with the blowing of a whistle indicated that we had almost arrived. Ed stirred slightly before he groggily opened his eyes and wiped his mouth. "We're almost there" Al told us. Ed nodded in response and yawned loudly. I did the same due to the weird fact that yawning is contagious.

We stepped off the train and streched our limbs. "Aaahh it feels good to be back on the ground" Ed remarked. I agreed, and all walked to a small shop labelled 'MEAT'. As soon as we entered two flying metal objects flew across the room. They hit both Ed and Al, knocking them both to the floor. "Ouch!" The brothers yelped. I focused my vision on the person responsible for K.Oing my friends. In front of us stood a beautiful looking woman. She was wearing a simple white dress over some black trousers. Her hair was bound in a braid at the top of her haid. Her skin was pale, and she looked quite thin. She seemed frail, and I wondered how such a woman could possibly throw with such a strong force to be able to knock both Ed and Al down. I smirked slightly, I was impressed.

"That's enough yowling out of you! On your feet!" She scolded.
"Ouch" Ed groaned again as he cradled his head in his hands.
"Can I just lie here for a while? Maybe, like the whole night?" Ed continued.
"Somehow, I know exactly how you feel, Ed" Al replied. I giggled at how funny they were acting.

They both continued "Is it just me, or does it seem like she's gotten stronger since we've been gone?" "I was thinking the same thing! Man, there's tough, and then there's her.."

The woman huffed slightly and told them "Stop grousing, and get on your feet! We'll spar and then I want 100 push ups and 15 miles. If you don't do it, there will be no dinner"
"This woman knows exactly what buttons to push to get what she wants.." I thought to myself.

And who exactly are you?

Hello Everyone.
Firstly, I'd like to apologise for not uploading for such a long time. To be completely honest, I was considering giving up on this fanfic. But then I saw some comments from a reader and they made me so happy and I thought "I can't leave you guys hanging!" So I'm trying to update more frequently. Thank you for reading this far. I was so shocked to see 500+ reads. And #1 in #Edwardelricxreader. I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. (There were 777 words!) Please continue to vote and comment, they really help me upload! Love you guys!

Have a great day~

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