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After the orders I returned home. I flopped down on my bed and mumbled nonsense into the pillow. It's been a long day, and you have to see the elrics tomorrow.
"Ugh, can't wait..", you said sarcastically to yourself.
You flipped over on your back and stared at the ceiling, observing all the cracks and imperfections. That ceiling is like a human being. No human can be smooth and without faults. Not even a god. You mope around for a little while longer before sitting up.
"I better do some paperwork before bed", you decided as you made your way to the desk.
You sat yourself down and felt the breeze blow through the window at a steady pace. The evening wind smelt crisp and fresh. After some time you spent working you looked up. You glanced out over the horizon. The people around you must have gone to sleep by now, leaving you with your thoughts. Before long, you drifted off into a deep sleep.

You were awoken suddenly, and without warning. The light shone on you, and made your beautiful h/c hair shine. The sunlight and chirping of the birds was not what tore you from sleep though. The constant knocking on your door was the thing that woke you up.
"Not again", you grumbled before muttering a quiet yes.
Only a few seconds after saying that you saw people enter your room. Those people being none other than the elrics. What a surprise.
"Good morning", you spoke. "Why are you guys here? And how did you find out where I lived?"
The boys looked at eachover, shrugged then Al replied "A man named Hughes told us that we would find you here. We came to pick you up."
Realisation kicked in. Oh shoot, I almost forgot that I was going to accompany them!
Your face flashed multiple shades of red before you stuttered apologies and rushed out of the room and into the bathroom. The boys glanced at eachover once again, quite confused by your actions. Before long you flung the door open and slid over to them with only your socks on. You were just about able to stop in time withought crashing into anyone.
"So where do we go first?", I asked
"We are going to Tucker, but before that we were going to get something to eat. Do you want to join us?"
I think for a second before I realise that I have no choice but to agree. This might be a good bonding moment. Maybe we could learn more about eachover.
"Sure", I finally agree.

The walk to the cafe was quiet, yet peaceful. It wasn't awkward in the slightest. The bustling people and the clanking of Al's armour were the only sounds I could hear. After walking a little while longer we reached the cafe. It was a beautiful cream coloured shop with red decorations and signs. The smell that wafted from the kitchens drew you in immediately. The scent of assorted pastries filled your lungs. How delightful. You were so glad to be having a more relaxing breakfast for once. A morning without too much rushing around.
I order (favorite hot drink) when the waitress arrives at our table. Al doesn't order anything and Ed will drink anything as long as it isn't milk.
"Aren't you thirsty Al? Do you want something to drink?", I ask with concern, hoping that he's okay.
"Oh, I'm uh I'm fine. Don't worry about me", he stutters back.
"How convincing", I think to myself before glancing at the pastries with hungry eyes.
"You can have one if you want you know", Ed tells me with knowing eyes.

I won't hesitate, cake!

I rush over to the counter without hesitation. My eyes scan across all the varieties before they land on (fav cake). I rush back to the table and smile to Ed "Can I please have (fav cake)?"
"Sure. Just make sure you don't get fat or else you won't be able to help us", he replies with a grin.
I shoot him a glance that says "don't try it" before politely asking the waitress for three of the cakes. One for me and two for the brothers.
When the cakes arrive I dig in straight away. The pastry melts in my mouth, leaving the best taste behind.
"It's so gooood~" Ed and I say in unison.
We quickly glance at eachover with a weird look before continuing to stuff our face. I look up after a while and notice that Al hasn't had any.
"Al are you okay? Aren't you hungry?", I ask him.
"I already ate today", he simply replies.
"We can take it with us for you to have later. If we don't hide it from y/n she'll eat it! What do ya say Al?", Ed says.
Al just nods in response. I smile and take a sip of my drink. I go over what little information I have about Tucker. How weird. The only words it uttered are "I want to die"?
Could it have been in agony? Or..
My mind is torn from my thoughts when Ed suddenly stands up.
"Come on slow pokes! It's time for us to leave!", Ed told us with enthusiasm.
I raise my head and stand up as well. We all leave the cafe after paying the lady.

As we step outside I take a breath of fresh air.
"Ahhhh", I sigh. "The air today is so refreshing!"
Ed and Al nod in agreement. We wait for a while before a car picks us up. The car drives us to Shou Tucker's house.
After stepping outside Ed and my jaw drops. "This place is huge!"
Before we could look any longer someone or something pounced on Ed. After I tilt my head in his direction I notice that it's a dog.
I laugh, But then stop. What is this weird feeling? Something about this place seems off. I just don't know what it is.
Before I could delve into my thoughts any longer I heard a young girl shout "Daddy! There are people out here. Look!"
I observe the young girl. Her chestnut hair is tied into two plaits that flow behind her back. Her big, blue eyes stare at us cutely. Her lips are curled into a pretty smile as she looks at us.
She just looks like an adorable kid.
The dog, that I soon find out is called Alexander, gets off Ed and he stands up at last. At the entrance to the house we see a man. That man being Shou Tucker.

Hi Guys!
I hope you enjoyed this Chapter!
I guess we should be prepared for the feels soon to come....
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