A memory

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A young h/c haired girl came rushing along the muddy path. Her white summers dress soared behind her as she ran. The girl had a beautiful smile painted across her face as she hurried along. Even if she was out of breath, she pushed on. Her face was red from all the running and sweat dripped down her face. She looked up quickly before her eyes lay on a boy. He looked to be a few years older than the h/c child. The girl immediately rushed into the boy's arms.

She spat out words with glee
"Brother! I've missed you so much!"
The boy looked down at the child as she held onto his shirt for dear life. The boy had green eyes and h/c hair. The hair looked like it hadn't been cut in a while, but was tied into a smart plait.
He took one glance at his sister before shaking her off.
"Leave me alone", he told her before promptly walking away.
Tears began to brim in her eyes as she watched her brother walk into the distance. After a few paces his figure became distorted and morphed into a sinister sight. Blood was splattered across his face as he killed people. His eyes showed no emotion except for lust, lust to kill.
"No!" the now older girl screeched out, her face was stained with tears.
The man looked back at her before laughing maniacally. He lifted his knife up and faced it towards his chest.

"Sorry sister. You'll be like me someday too, and you'll see why I did this", the man told his sister.
The girl screamed an ear piercing scream, and all went black.

Y/n woke up. Sweat dripped down her face and tears poured onto her sheets. She quickly looked around, trying to work out where she was. She found herself in what she decided was most likely a hospital bed. As she looked down she noticed that she was hooked to a heart monitor. Y/n glanced around the room before seeing Ed and Al. Al was standing up, you could tell he was worried. Ed was standing beside him. Ed walked over to my bed and looked me in the eye. His eyes looked void of all emotion. I raised my arms and brought the poor boy into a warm embrace. It wasn't the kind of embrace that longed after something in return, it was that of a mother and her child. In this hug equivalent exchange wasn't needed, as long as Ed feels better.
Before long y/n felt wet patches fall on her shirt, making her embrace Ed more. She herself let her emotions drip onto his cape. They shared a quiet moment. It lasted a while, but that was all it took to make their bond stronger. Y/n knew now that she wouldn't let herself turn into her brother. She couldn't risk it.
Hi Guys!
I'm so sorry for not updating. I've actually broken my finger when I was playing Netball at school. It's become quite hard to type with one hand, but I'm still trying my best.

I truly hope that you enjoyed this chapter. I included some fluff, and we finally begin to see y/n's and Ed's relationship blossom!
Please vote, comment, and follow. It inspires me and pushes me on.

Thank you

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