Chapter 5

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"Mama? Papa? Can I talk to you guys for a minute?" Marinette wrung her hands.

Sabine looked at her daughter worriedly. "Of course, sweetheart. We'll be done soon, how about we meet you at the table and then we can talk." She smiled a sweet smile.

"Ok, Mama." She took a deep breath.

Marinette and Alya went upstairs into the living area. They sat at the kitchen table and Marinette thumped her head onto the tabletop. Tikki zoomed out from her hiding place and gave Marinette a quick, teensy squeeze. "Remember, I'm here and Alya is right there." Alya nodded, but she was staring, entranced, at the little, red kwami. Tikki flew back into hiding as Marinette's parents came up the stairs.

Tom and Sabine sat down at the table across from the two girls. "What's going on sweetheart?" Tom said gently. "Is there something wrong?"

"You could say that," Marinette replied quietly.

"What is it Marinette?" Sabine seemed to be getting worried.

"Well, the things is... you see... I have some," she paused, "some news."

"What is it pumpkin?" Tom asked. "We're right here for you."

"I'm... I'm... I'm pregnant." She rushed the last two words out.

Her parents gave her twin blank looks. After a minute her parents faces got a little more serious, "Come again?" Her mom asked.

"Mama, Papa, I'm pregnant. I'm five weeks along and it was a one-time thing so I don't think the father is going to help me out." She reached over and squeezed her best friend's hand.

Her parents held their blank looks for a while longer, then they relaxed. Sabine reached her hand across the table and Tom got up and went around the table to hug his precious baby girl. "We'll always be here to help you," Sabine comforted Marinette. "But understand that we are not condoning the behavior that got you into this situation. That kind of intercourse should only happen between two people who are devoted to each other and want to be together for as long as they can."

"I know Mama," Marinette sighed, disappointed in herself. "It's complicated."

"I know sweetheart." They all got up and hugged, including Alya. Marinette close her eyes. This was what she had hoped for, but she had been worried it wouldn't happen. She soaked in all the love coming from the three people she loved most – she put her hand on her stomach – the four people she loved most.

The hug was released, and Sabine said quietly near Marinette's ear. "How about we set up an appointment for you with my OB-GYN. She was just what I needed when I had you and she's still working, so I'm sure she be just what you and this little one need." She gently touched her daughter's stomach.

- - -

Several weeks had passed and Marinette was reaching the 3-month mark in her pregnancy. A little baby bump was beginning to show, but it was so small that she was able to cover it easily when going to school. But Marinette knew that it wouldn't be long before she would have to start wearing maternity clothes and all her classmates would know. Should she tell the teachers beforehand? Should she announce it to the class or let them figure it out on their own? She put those thoughts off for now and got ready for the day, putting on a pair of skinny jeans and a peasant blouse.

"Hey, Tikki," Marinette said. "Have you ever worked with a pregnant Ladybug before?" she had been thinking about this for some time.

"I have," Tikki explained, "but it is usually later on in the hero-ing – not in the middle of an ongoing conflict with a villain like Hawkmoth." She smiled a little guiltily.

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