Chapter 7

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The next day Marinette woke up earlier than usual because she was so nervous about telling her class she was pregnant. She got ready for the day putting on a cute horizontally-striped maternity shirt with maternity jeans that the girls and her had gone shopping for the night before. She went down for breakfast with plenty of time and was meet with a plate of hashbrowns and bacon that her mom had fried for her.

"Thanks, Maman." She sighed. "You're the best." She sat down at the table and her parents joined her and proceeded to comfort her for her day ahead and the news she would tell.

At school Marinette talked to Mme. Bustier before class started. "Can I make an announcement to the class before you begin teaching?"

"Of course, Marinette. Are you going to be announcing your big new?" She enunciated that in such a way that Marinette knew exactly what she was trying to say. She was asking if Marinette would be telling the class about her pregnancy.

"Yah," Marinette replied softly.

"That will be just fine," her teacher said. "You can come up after the bell rings and I take roll."

"Thank you, Mme. Bustier," Marinette said eagerly.

For the next ten minutes as Marinette waited for her classmates to come in and for Mme. Bustier to get the class started, Marinette waited nervously in her seat. When Alya came into the classroom and sat next to her best friend she asked her what was wrong. Marinette simply answered, "I'm going to tell the class today," and Alya knew what was going through her friend's head and offered her comfort by holding her hand while they waited for the class to start.

Marinette was in her own world preparing what she was going to say when she heard her teacher say, "Marinette has something that she would like to announce to you guys." She jerked a little in surprise, but then she squeezed Alya's hand one more time before walking down to the front of the classroom as calmly as she could.

She took a deep breath than began. "Many of you guys may have noticed, but..." she paused and took a deep breath. "I am pregnant."

She looked around at all her classmates. Her friends that she had already told were smiling broadly, but there were many other reactions. Max was deep in thought, calculating the likelihood of this turnout. Ivan just sat there with his mouth hanging open and a blank look on his face. Myléne, his girlfriend, reached over and gently nudged him to get him to close his mouth.

Marinette was most surprised by the reactions of Adrien and Chloe. Adrien's eyebrows were scrunched together, deep in thought as if he were trying to figure out how Marinette could get pregnant. Not only did he appear confused, but he also seemed a little upset. He was looking around at all the other guys in the room glaring, but Marinette had no idea why Adrien was reacting the way that he was. Chloe, opposite of Adrien, seem to be pleasantly surprised. She was holding a hand up to her mouth, which was smiling widely. Like every other person Marinette told, she was surprised at first to find out that Marinette had gotten pregnant, but Chloe seemed to be glad of the pregnancy and the coming baby.

Marinette continued, "I am four months along and the baby is due May 22nd. I'm going to try my best to pull my weight around the classroom and as your class representative, but I just wanted all of you to know and to be prepared for whatever may come." She nodded slightly in conclusion, then quickly made her way to her seat and sat down.

"Okay class," Mme. Bustier tried to get the class started again, but all the students seemed lost in thought. "Come on students!" She clapped loudly a few times. "I know this is big news, but we need to do our work and continue learning so that you all can finish off your senior year the best that we can." The class shook themselves back into focus and Mme. Bustier began to teach.

- - -

Adrien didn't know what to think. Marinette was pregnant? Who was the father? He never would have thought that Marinette would have sex with anyone before she was much older and married, yet here she was four months along and she seemed to be ok with it. Of course, Adrien always thought he would be the same way he imagined Marinette would be, yet he had made the same decision that Marinette had made with Ladybug four months ago. He put his head in his hands.

Throughout that school day and the days and weeks to come, Adrien had a hard time learning anything in his classes because he was almost constantly looking at all the other guys in their school and trying to decide if they might be the father of Marinette's child. He felt that every other guy in their school was not good enough to be with Marinette, but one of them had to be the father, he just didn't know who it was.

He was determined to keep an eye on Marinette and protect her and her baby. He wouldn't let anything bad happen to her and he wouldn't let anyone hurt her, because she deserved to be happy.

- - -

After finding out about her pregnancy all her classmates were so kind to her. They were always looking out for her and trying to be sure that she didn't over-exert herself. Marinette got frustrated sometimes when her friends were a bit over-protective of her (especially Adrien) and didn't let her do things that she felt were normal and were perfectly safe for her to do. But she knew that they were all doing it out of love and because they thought they were doing what was best.

Chloe's behavior towards Marinette totally changed after Marinette's announcement to the class. Marinette never seemed to see Chloe angry with her any more and she never called her names or threatened the wrath of her daddy. Conversely, she actually tried to help Marinette in whatever way she could. She offered to buy her baby supplies and maternity clothes. She was so kind and was with Marinette and the other girls so often that she became an unofficial member of their friend group

Another month passed and Marinette was getting ready to see her OBG-YN and get an ultrasound. Today was the day that she would hopefully be able to find out the gender of her baby. She still hadn't told Chat about the baby, so he wouldn't be joining her at the ultrasound, but she decided that instead she would bring her mother and her best friend with her.

She got downstairs with her bag and found the two of them sitting on the couch chatting while waiting for Marinette to finish getting ready.

"There she is," Alya cried.

"Are you ready baby girl?" Her mom asked.

Marinette gave a succinct nod. "I'm ready."

Sabine and Alya walked close on each side of Marinette to be sure she kept her balance as they walked to the Metro. They stayed close to her throughout the whole trip and until they made it into the doctor's office. Sabine gave her daughter's hand a squeeze before Marinette went up to the receptionist.

"My name in Marinette Dupain-Cheng; I have an appointment." She wrung her hands nervously.

"Good afternoon, Miss Dupain-Cheng," the woman behind the desk gently said, "someone will come out to get you shortly." She smiled at the young woman.

Marinette sat down next to her best friend and her mother and just picked at her sweater for the next several minutes until a nurse stepped out from the door to the exam rooms and called her name. "Marinette Dupain-Cheng?" Marinette stood up and followed the woman into the back, with her companions close behind.

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