Chapter 18

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Marinette's eyes slowly opened, and she groggily looked at the darkness around her. It was sometime in the middle of the night. But where was she? What had happened? She looked to the side and saw Adrien lying beside her and realized that he had his arms wrapped around her and she had hers around him. Her head was resting in the crook of his neck.

She grinned as memories of yesterday flooded back. Her partner and the love of her life was Adrien, one of her best friends and the guy she had always thought she was in love with. Turns out the two people she loved were the same person.

She was a little surprised to see that it was the middle of the night. She blushed, realizing that they must have spent the night kissing and fallen asleep in each other's arms. She definitely wasn't upset about the situation though.

She snuggled back into her position in Adrien's arms. She couldn't help herself and turned her head a little so that she could gently kiss the side of Adrien's neck. He moaned happily in his sleep, but he didn't wake up. She gently licked that same spot and he leaned back, giving her more access, but he was still asleep and moving unconsciously.

She smirked as she lifted her head and leaned toward him, placing her lips on the hallow behind his ear. She kissed the spot with a fervor, continuously moving her mouth.

Finally, Adrien's eyes popped open. Just as quickly as they opened, they became half-lidded as he was enjoying Marinette's lips on his skin. "Marinette, I love you," he moaned.

"And I love you," she whispered in his ear. She continued kissing from his ear to his shoulder.

As she kissed, he began to move his hands up and down her body. He stroked her side, feeling her ribs, her stomach, and her hips. Up and down her touched her several times, until he let his hands stop on her hips, with his fingers gently resting on her butt.

He let her kiss him a little be longer, before he lifted his hand on top of her and gently guided her mouth to his own. They gave in to passion and their love for each other for several moments, until finally they pulled apart and looked into each other's eyes, panting.

"We really need to talk about a couple tings," Marinette sighed.

"You're right." Adrien's shoulders slumped and then his eyes brightened. "But that doesn't mean I can't keep you wrapped tightly in my arms." He wiggled his eyebrows at her comically and she laughed.

They settled against the wall with one of Adrien's arms wrapped around her shoulder and the other one resting on her stomach. Marinette held one hand on Adrien's leg and the other was on her stomach underneath Adrien's hand. She leaned her head on his shoulder.

"First question," Adrien began. "Can I show affection to you at school?" He looked at her with big, pleading, kitty-cat eyes.

"Yah." Marinette spoke shyly but nodded eagerly. "I would really like that." She grinned at him and gave him a lingering kiss.

"Harder question," he continued. "What will we tell them about us suddenly being a couple..." He paused. "We are a couple, right?"

"I think so, don't you?" she replied, and he smiled at her in response.

"Well," she continued. "I think that most people don't need to know the how, just the why"

"Which is...?" he asked curiously.

"That we love each other and belong together." She grinned.

He hugged her tightly. "I love you so much." Then settled back into their previous position.

"But," Marinette amended. "I will be explaining a little more to Alya later on." She looked guiltily at her other half. "She knows that I am Ladybug and that Chat Noir is this baby's father. I don't really know how I'm going to explain to her my relationship with you."

Adrien let her think for a while before he cut into her thoughts. "We'll tell her then." When Marinette looked at him, utterly confused, he explained. "We'll talk to her after school and when she asks questions, we'll just tell her that I am Chat Noir and that I am this baby's father." He leaned down and kissed her stomach, speaking a little baby talk beforehand. He looked back up at her, "if you trust her, I will trust her."

She smiled at him gently and lovingly. "What about Nino? Do we need to tell him?"

Adrien frowned slightly. "I haven't told him anything, but I think that soon enough I'm going to have to tell him." He looked at her. "I would love your help when the time comes."

She grinned at him. "I will help you with anything you need. I will be with you through thick and thin."

They hugged again, holding each other tightly and just enjoying the other's presence for a while. Then Marinette pulled back and looked her new boyfriend in the eyes. "Are you still coming to my appointment on Friday? It's right after school."

Adrien broke into a wide grin. "I wouldn't miss it for the world." He tried to begin kissing her again, but Marinette stopped him by putting her index finger gently on his lips.

"One more thing." She gave him a serious look. "You should probably meet my parents. My mom will be at the ultrasound and she should probably know who you are before she sees you there."

Adrien's eyes widened and he looked a little intimidated. "I guess you're right." He smiled at her hesitantly. "I really like your parents, but I'm pretty scared of how they will react to me when they find out that I'm the one who got you pregnant, especially your dad, he can be pretty protective of you."

Marinette grimaced. "I'm not sure how they are going to react to all this, but don't worry, I won't let them do anything to you. I'll protect you." She grinned cheekily.

"How about I protect you from whatever happens, say, this evening? Or do you need to be home since you weren't last night?"

"I'll talk to Nathalie and let you know." He leaned his head affectionately on her and then slowly kissed her temple. "Thank you for everything, Marinette. I love you."

They stayed cuddled together for a little while longer before they decided that they should head to school before it was lunch time. They transformed and snuck into their bedrooms to change into fresh clothes. They would tell Marinette's parents and Nathalie a little later that they were studying at Alya and Nino's houses and they fell asleep.

After changing they met up in front of the school and walked into class holding hand happily, not even thinking about the fact that they were strolling into their third period class late.

When their classmates heard the door squeak open they all leaned forward to see who was entering. Everyone started talking and mumbling when they saw that it was Marinette and Adrien and they were holding hands. Nino quickly got up and moved to sit by his girlfriend, allowing the new couple to sit together. The happy couple just ignored all the talk and sat down together continuing to hold hands across the desk and repeatedly glancing at each other throughout the day and the rest of their classes.

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