Chapter 22

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Adrien reached around as he was awakened by a sudden feeling of absence. He realized that what was missing was Marinette being wrapped in his arms. He sat up on the chaise in her room and stretched his arms above his head as he opened his eyes slowly. He looked around Marinette's room to see where she was. He didn't see her, but he saw that her bathroom door was closed, so she must be in there.

He yawned as he stood up from his position on the couch. He continued to stretch to release all the tension from spending the night sleeping on the daybed and started moving around the room. He heard the door to the bathroom open and he slowly made it to that side of the room to meet Marinette.

"Hi, sweetheart," He greeted her as she appeared from the room.

She smiled at him lovingly and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Good morning. How did you sleep?"

"I slept like a rock," he grinned at her. "Thanks to you."

She hugged him one more time before she maneuvered around him to get to her room. "I'm glad. But right now, we have to get ready for school. We have like a half hour before we've got to head out.

"I have an extra toothbrush in the bathroom, do you need anything else?"

"I'm okay; thanks." He smiled at her, but his smile was weaker this time as he was reminded of everything that had happened yesterday and why it was that he was staying with Marinette. He sighed and headed into her bathroom to freshen up and prepare for a new day.

Marinette looked back at Adrien as he headed into the bathroom. She sighed. She knew he was struggling, but she also knew that there was little she could do for him except be there and let him know how much she loved him. She reluctantly turned away and began getting ready.

Several minutes later they were both ready for the day and ready to head downstairs. Adrien grasped Marinette's hand and they began down the stairs.

"Good morning," Tom called out energetically.

"Good morning papa." Marinette tried to subtly lead Adrien out the front door. But just at that moment Sabine walked in from the bakery.

"Oh, Adrien's here." She smiled at the couple, but then she saw them gazing longingly at the door and their crouched shoulders, waiting for reprimand. "Has Adrien been here all night?" she asked suspiciously.

Marinette grimaced, then looked up slowly and nodded. She waited a moment for her mother's response but was flabbergasted when she laughed.

"Oh, honey." Sabine shook her head as she continued chuckling. "We don't mind if Adrien stays over-"

"Really?" Marinette was shocked.

Sabine gave her daughter a look then continued. "We don't mind if he stays over... as long as you tell us first and as long as you guys behave." She looked between the two of them. "Did you behave?"

Marinette hid her face in her hands. "Mom," she moaned, "of course we did."

"Good." She nodded succinctly. "Just make sure that next time we know before the morning after."

Tom looked up from the pan he was cooking in on the stove to agree with his wife. "We want to know exactly what's going on in our house." Just as quickly as he looked up, he looked back down to focus on his food.

"Now, come on kids," Sabine encouraged. "Why don't you sit down and have some breakfast."

They agreed to sit down for a few minutes. As they were quickly eating Marinette looked to Adrien. "Remember that I have my ultrasound today, okay?" She looked at him and grinned widely.

Sabine sat down across from them at the table. "I'll pick you guys up after school and we'll head straight over."

Adrien looked up, smiled at Marinette and her mother, then looked back into his lap with a look of consternation.

Marinette interpreted his look and asked, "have you talked to Nathalie or your father?"

He frowned and shook his head.

"Do you want to?"

Adrien sighed. "That's the problem. I don't know what I want. Do I want to forgive him and restore our relationship? Do I want to avoid him until the school year is up and them move out? I just... uhh... I don't know."

Marinette reached over and wrapped an arm around him. "I think you just need to talk to him and see how things go." She smiled at him comfortingly. "How about we go over there after my appointment. We can try to talk to your dad and if things don't go well, you can stay here." She looked to her mom for approval and receive an adamant nod.

"Thank you, Marinette. I am so glad that I have you to help me through hard times and to give me advice." He leaned over and gave her a tight hug. He whispered in her ear, "I love you so much."

She squeezed him back and replied, "I love you too."

It wasn't long before the two teens were rushing out the door to head to school. They jogged down the street to the school with their hand clasped tightly together and arrived at the school in time to greet Alya and Nino before the bell rang and they had to make their way into the school for their first class.

- - -

The final bell for the day rang and Marinette and Adrien walked casually down the steps in front of the building. Adrien had texted Nathalie earlier that day to tell her that he had an appointment after school, and he wouldn't need a ride. But he was still surprised to not see the ostentatious limousine parked in front of the school.

They both spotted Marinette's mother and slid into the back of the car. As soon as the two of them were settled comfortably in the seat and buckled up Adrien wrapped an arm around his girlfriend. He leaned over and softly kissed her temple. He rested his forehead on her head for the rest of the drive, just soaking in her presence and her never-ending, positive outlook on life.

Soon enough they arrived at the doctor's office. Adrien helped Marinette out of the car and led her into the building. He kept his arm protectively around her as she stepped up to the reception desk. He wanted everyone to know that she was with him and that her baby had a father - one that would take care of him.

"My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng, I have an appointment with Dr. Dubois."

After a few clicks on her computer the receptionist looked up. "Okay, Ms. Dupain-Cheng. I have you checked in; someone will come out and get you in a couple minutes. You can sit down until then."

"Thank you," Adrien said to the employee. Then he kissed Marinette's forehead before leading her to sit down next to her mother.

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