Chapter 23

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The threesome didn't spend too much time in the doctor's office. They only waited a couple minutes before they were called back to an exam room. They then only waited an additional few minutes before Dr. Dubois came in.

She checked on Marinette and her baby and found that both of them were very healthy. When Dr. Dubois was performing the ultrasound and they heard little Louis' heartbeat sounding throughout the room, Adrien looked at Marinette with awe.

"That's our baby" he exclaimed. "We made him." He was blown-away by the hold that this little being already had on his heart.

Marinette smiled tearily as she saw her baby's father already showing tremendous love for his child. She couldn't wait until her baby was born and they could become a perfect, little family.

Dr. Dubois was also glad to meet Adrien and to know that Marinette had a partner who was eager to take care of her and the baby.

"Okay, Marinette, Adrien, everything looks good." She continued speaking as she put the ultrasound equipment away. "Just makes sure to take it easy for the next couple of months until this baby is born, and I will see you next month for another check-up." She smiled at all three of them before leaving the room.

Sabine stood up from her chair in the corner and took a couple steps towards Marinette who was on the bed with Adrien standing behind her for support. She smiled to her daughter. "You ready to go home?"

Both Marinette and Adrien grinned widely, still in another world, thinking about their angelic baby growing to perfection in Marinette's stomach.

Sabine smirked and reached to place a hand on each of the teenagers' shoulders. "Come on kids, let's go home."

Marinette quickly shook herself out of her stupor and grabbed onto Adrien's hand, pulling him up with her. "Thanks Mama, but we were going to head over to Adrien's house if that's ok."

She smiled gently at the pair. "Sounds good, sweetie. Do you want me to drop you off?"

"That would be great. You're the best Mama."

They got back into the car and soon enough Sabine was dropping them off in front of the Agreste mansion. Adrien and Marinette got out of the car and stood beside each other looking at the house before Adrien grasped Marinette's hand and lead her up to the side-by-side, French doors.

He opened a door for her, and they walked into the foyer. Barely even pausing, Adrien then began walking towards his father's office. He had to confront him before he lost his nerve.

As they approached the closed door, they heard the faint sound of him speaking. Adrien gulped then pushed the door open.

As Adrien led Marinette into the room, they saw Gabriel on the phone. He slowly looked up, but when he saw that Adrien was there, he quickly ended the call, promising the person on the other end that he would call them back.

"Adrien, son." Gabriel looked at him, pleading. He stood up from his chair and walk around his desk to stand in front of it, closer to his son. But he held his ground a few steps from Adrien, almost as if he was afraid that he would run again if he got too close.

"I am exceedingly sorry for what I said yesterday." He looked down, appearing genuinely regretful. "It was unrefined and immature of me to say such things about the two of you." He gestured at the couple. "Especially in your presence. It is just that that was just such an unexpected announcement for me, and I was very surprised. I apologize for reacting with anger and insults."

Adrien's jaw clenched, but then he slowly released it and let out a heavy breath. "I'm still pretty upset," he said tightly, "but I think we can move on from this. I'll try to move past my anger if you try to treat Marinette and this baby like gold and with the utmost respect."

"I will." Gabriel sighed in relief. "You can rely on me for anything you need for the baby." He looked at Marinette as he spoke the last bit. "How is the baby?"

Marinette smiled widely. Adrien was still hesitant about his father's intentions, but she continued on nonetheless. "We actually just had a check-up right before we came here. He is doing well – as healthy as can be."

"He? It's a boy," Gabriel muttered quietly.

Marinette nodded eagerly.

"I really am happy for you guys. If he is anything like Adrien was as a child than you guys will be overwhelmed, but so happy." He looked from Adrien to Marinette. "I don't know you well Marinette, but from what I can tell you have plenty of wonderful traits that this baby boy would be lucky to have passed on to him."

Marinette saw Adrien's lip quiver. He was finally able to see that his father was being genuine, and she could see that it was affecting him emotionally. "Thank you, father, that really means a lot." She could hear his voice shaking, but it was so subtle that she wasn't sure if anyone but someone who had heard his teasing voice every day for the past four years, working together as heroes of Paris, would be able to detect it.

Gabriel turned his head the slightest bit and rubbed his nose lightly. "I love you son."

Now even Marinette was feeling like she was going to cry.

Adrien smiled in response and after inching forward the tiniest bit Gabriel responded by quickly crossing the space between the two of them and engulfing his son in a hug. Gabriel wrapped one arm around Adrien's back and rested the other on the back of his son's head, settled snugly under his own chin.

After a long moment it was Gabriel who pulled back from the hug. He looked down at his son with pure adoration.

The pair finally became aware of the world around them and looked over to Marinette. Adrien crouched his head down shyly and Gabriel looked at her, giving her an endearing smile. "Whenever you decide to go shopping for everything that you need for the baby you let me know. I will completely fund as big of a trip as you decide to take. I want my grandson to want for nothing. I want him to have the best."

Marinette's jaw went slack. "What?" She was dumbfounded, but when he only responded by continuing to smile, she realized that he was being completely serious. "I... I... I couldn't..." she stuttered.

But Adrien laid a hand gently on her arm to stop her. "Thank you, father."

The father and son smiled once more at each other before Adrien led an awestruck Marinette out of the office.

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