Chapter 8

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Marinette was pacing around the small examination room because her nerves were making it hard to sit still. It was cramped, but Sabine and Alya allowed her to do so as they knew that it was one of a few ways that Marinette would be able to release her nervous energy before the doctor came in.

They heard a soft tap at the door and a kind face peaked in. Marinette grinned guiltily as she sat back down on the examination table.

"Good afternoon Marinette." The doctor smiled softly at her patient then introduced herself to the other people in the room. "Sabine," she nodded at her previous patient, then she shook Alya's hand. "Hello, I am Doctor Dubois, I will be taking care of Marinette for the entirety of her pregnancy."

"I'm Alya Césaire."

"She's my best friend," Marinette cut in.

Dr. Dubois smiled at the two girls and then the older woman. "May I begin?" When she got signals of assents from everyone in the room she looked to her patient. "Okay Marinette, can you lay back please? Now let's lifts your shirt so that we can see that belly." She aided Marinette in lifting her top over her stomach to expose her baby bump.

The doctor proceeded to check the vitals of her patients. She gently pushed and prodded her stomach to check the position of the baby. "Okay Marinette, now I'm going to begin the ultrasound."

"Okay," Marinette whispered, she was wide-eyed and excited.

"I'm going to put this gel on your stomach and its going to be cold, okay?" Marinette nodded. Dr. Dubois continued with the ultrasound, telling Marinette what she was doing at every step. Marinette began to lean forward when she saw a blurry picture appear on the screen.

"There's your baby." Dr. Dubois looked at her patient and her eager eyes. She continued to point out the different parts of the baby's body as they appeared on the screen. Then she asked the question Marinette had been waiting for, "would you like to know the gender of the baby?"

Without a second of hesitation Marinette breathlessly replied, "yes."

Dr Dubois smiled and adjusted the wand of the ultrasound machine slightly. She grinned as she studied the image then looked at the expectant mother, her mother, her best friend, and back to the most important one in the room, after the baby of course. "Marinette, you are carrying a baby boy."

Marinette brought both hands to her face to cover her mouth as she smiled in pure joy. Her doctor helped her clean off her stomach and pull her shirt down then she ran to her mother and best friend and squeezed them tightly. "I'm having a boy!" she squealed.

"I am so excited for you sweetheart." Sabine rubbed Marinette's upper arm.

"Yass, girl!" Alya jumped up and down a few times, "you're going to have the cutest baby boy ever!"

Dr. Dubois smiled at the girls' antics, but gently interrupted. "That's it for today, your baby is healthy, but I'm going to need to see you next month, ok?"

"Of course," Marinette replied hurriedly.

"Then I will see you next month; you can schedule an appointment at the reception desk."

The trio said their goodbyes to Dr. Dubois then headed out of the building, after making a quick stop so that Marinette could make an appointment for her next check-up.

They travelled across the city and made it back to the Dupain-Cheng Bakery. In the floor above the bakery, while the three were sitting on the couch chatting, Alya asked her friend "when and how are you gonna tell everyone the gender of the baby?"

"I don't know," she shrugged. "I'll tell them when they ask?..."

"No, no, no girl," Alya shook her head vigorously. "You've got to find a fun way to tell your dad and you've got to get the girls together and tell them so that we can all celebrate you and your baby."

"Really?" Marinette moaned.

"Yes, really" Alya pushed on her best friend's face with her index finger. "Stop moaning. When are you gonna tell the girls about your baby boy?"

"Tomorrow after school?" Marinette asked noncommittally.

"Okay. Where are you going to do it? Here?"

Marinette was starting to feel her best friend's excitement. "Yah, we could do that." She though for a moment and an idea came to her. "I can tell them I have a new game I want to show them, but instead I'll tell them the gender of my baby."

"Yes!" Alya cheered and the girls got excited together. "Okay," Alya took a couple deep breaths to calm herself down. "What about your dad?" Marinette gave her a quizzical look. "How are you going to tell him?"

"Oh, well I don't know." The two teens fell deep into thought, but Sabine had had an idea brewing for quite a while.

"I have a suggestion." She broke the girls' concentration. They looked up at her in expectation. "Well, we own a bakery and you father loves sweets," she pauses, and the girls nodded eagerly, "so how about we make him a jelly-filled doughnut?" The girls scrunched their faces in confusion.

"The filling will reveal the gender," she explained, "Strawberry or raspberry for a girl, and blueberry for a boy."

The girls' eyes lit up. "I love it, Mama!" Marinette got up from her chair to hug her mother. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Of course, sweetheart." She hugged her daughter back. "I've got to get back to the bakery to help your father, but why don't you get started on those doughnuts now and you can give them to your father tonight." Marinette's face broke into the widest smile and she hugged her mother one more time. "Thanks, Maman."

Sabine headed downstairs to the bakery and the girls got started in the kitchen, ready to get all floury and messy in order to surprise Marinette's dad with the gender of her baby.

- - -

The pastries were done and cooling while Marinette and Alya were sitting on the couch watching a show. It had taken longer than expected to bake since Marinette began to feel sick, but now that everything was done they were lounging together, with Alya's head on her best friend's shoulder and with Marinette looking forlornly at the door to the bathroom.

Alya's phone buzzed. She lazily picked it up to look at it, then suddenly jerked up with an overabundance of eagerness in her eyes. She looked to her friend and told her what she had seen on her phone. "There's an akuma under the Arc de Triomphe"

"What?" Marinette was taken by surprise.

"Sorry, Marinette, but I've got to get across town so that I can get something for the Ladyblog." Marinette nodded weakly. "I'll be back tonight for the big reveal." She asked her friend with her eyes if that was what she wanted. Marinette nodded and watched her friend run out the door.

As soon as the door shut behind Alya, Marinette stood up with a groan. "Tikki, spots on!" She coughed to keep down the nausea. This was going to be a long akuma battle.

A/N: I want to start a series of Miraculous OneShots, but I need ideas. Please, please, please find my new story and give me ideas for one shots that I can write!

     P.S. Thanks for all the views!!!

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