Chapter 28

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The next week was filled with everyone rushing to get ready for the arrival of Louis. Marinette was finishing her last week of school before the break began, yet she was also trying to organize all that was happening. She needed time to rest, but she also needed to help prepare furniture, clothes, diapers, and so much more. They needed to talk about everything that would happen and how they would handle it, and the ways that Adrien and her parents would help. They needed to prepare Marinette for how everything would change once Louis was born.

With so much happening the week flew by. Soon enough it was the night before the scheduled delivery. Marinette knew she should try to sleep to save her energy for her upcoming labor and delivery, but she was so nervous, and her mind wouldn't stop racing with all the possibilities and with visions of her future. Adrien stayed awake with her for a while, talking to her and calming her, but eventually he drifted off to sleep. Marinette couldn't do the same though, her eyes remained open, gazing around lazily. She held Adrien as close as she could, breathed in his scent, and listened to his steady breathing.

Soon enough morning came, and Marinette realized that she had be able to sleep for a few short hours. It was early in the morning, but she knew she wouldn't be able to fall asleep and she needed to get up, so she kissed Adrien's temple and slowly maneuvered out of the bed. She needed something to do so she gingerly sat down in her desk chair and rolled over to the side of her desk consumed by her sewing machine and other designing equipment. She pulled out a piece of paper and began mindlessly sketching ideas for a new design.

She was in another world as she designed - ideas going straight to her pencil and on to the paper, barely even registering in her mind. She was jolted to reality when Adrien leaned down from behind her and softly kissed her cheek.

"Good morning," he yawned. "Couldn't sleep?" When she nodded, he asked, "How long have you been up?"

Marinette shrugged. "I don't know." She glanced at the time lit up on her computer and her eyebrows rose. "It's been almost two hours. Wow, I didn't even realize." She gave him her signature awkward grin and shrugged again.

Adrien smiled and leaned down again to rest his head on her shoulder. He glanced down at her sketches and quickly straightened. He scrambled around from behind her chair to crouch beside her, eyelevel to the desk. He slowly, reverently picked up the most recent sheet that she had been penciling. "This is beautiful. Do you plan on sewing it?" His eyes shone as he looked at her before glancing back down to study every detail of the design.

"Huh?" Marinette responded. "What is it?"

Adrien turned the paper towards her slowly and she was able to see sketch after sketch of infant clothes. Marinette's brows creased. "Honestly I don't even remember drawing that." She grinned embarrassedly. "I guess I was thinking about Louis and it translated itself into this." She gestured at the sketches.

Adrien gathered the rest of the sheets into his hands and looked at each page individually, with Marinette leaning over his shoulder to look with him. As they flipped through the pages, they saw countless designs for onesies, jumpers, hats, and even a cute little three-piece suit. All of it was flawlessly drawn and notated.

Marinette blushed as Adrien turned to look at her, again with wonder in his eyes. "These are just what little Louis needs." He quickly stood up and began pacing around the space as he rambled on about how cute their baby would look in Marinette's designs and how he would be the most stylish, most fashionable baby in all of France.

Marinette just chuckled a little bit at his antics, then let him continue.

After only a few minutes of Adrien planning out Louis' fashionable future the couple heard Marinette's mom call up the stairs.

"Are you guys up? We need to leave for the hospital in forty-five minutes."

"We're up, thanks Maman." Marinette hollered back down.

Marinette slowly stood from the chair and placed herself in front of Adrien. "We'll talk more about the potential of these outfits later, for now we need to get ready." She gave him a crooked grin then led him to her closet.

He helped her grab her clothes from where they were hanging and take them off their hangers, then they both got dressed. They finished their usual morning routine then headed downstairs to meet Marinette's parents.

It wasn't too long before they were heading to the hospital. The taxi was in front of the bakery by the time they made it down all the stairs and out the front door. The driver quickly opened the door and Adrien helped Marinette gingerly get into the backseat, with Sabine and Tom watching from a distance, ready to jump in if help was needed.

After several minutes they were all loaded into the vehicle and they headed to the maternity hospital where Marinette would deliver Louis.

The taxi driver dropped them off in front of the large building and helped them gather all their luggage for the next couple days, then left them to enter on their own.

Marinette, her hand clasped tightly in Adrien's, looked at each one of her companions in turn before taking a deep breath and entering the hospital through the large automatic doors.

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