Chapter 15

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That night the superheroes met to patrol the city. They went about their usual business, splitting up to watch over the city, then they came back and sat together on the Eiffel Tower, their sides practically smashed together and their hands tightly interlocked.

"So, how is little Louis doing?" Chat Noir asked with his hand resting gently on his Lady's protruding stomach. He leaned down to give a little baby talk to Ladybug's bump.

Ladybug chuckled. "I can't wait to see you with him once he's born," she mused. Chat's eyes widened in question, but she stopped him. "We'll talk about that in a little later. Right now, I'm going to answer your question." When he looked at her with a blank expression she continued, laughing at the cat. "You asked how Louis is doing..."

"Oh, yah," he laughed awkwardly. "I did, didn't I?"

Ladybug wrapped her arm around him from the side and responded gently. "Yes, you did."

She placed both of her hands on her belly. "This baby is doing great. I had a check-up a few weeks ago and everything was just as it should be. Dr. Dubois said that he was one of the healthiest, strongest babies she'd ever seen." She grinned. "Of course, I'm sure she was exaggerating to make me feel better. But still, I'm confident that in a few months he is going to be born a perfect, happy, little boy."

Chat pulled her toward him so that they could share a proper hug. "I am so glad. I want the best for this little one – I'll do anything that I can to make his life the best a baby can have."

"Thank you." Ladybug was nearly crying with emotions and hormones. "You're the best daddy that any baby could want and need." She squeezed him tightly and laid her head in the crook of his neck, finding comfort in the feel of him and the smell of the leather. "I love you," she whispered, but she spoke so quietly, and his shoulder muffled her words so much that he didn't hear her words.

"What did you say, baby doll?" She blushed at the pet name and repeated her statement, but again she spoke much to quietly.

Chat chuckled at her sudden timidity. "Aww, sweetheart, don't be shy, just tell me what you're thinking." He looked at her with kind, gentle eyes.

She pulled away from his shoulder and looked into his eyes. "Chat Noir," she paused, "I love you." She cringed and closed her eyes, waiting for his response. When she heard nothing for a long moment, she peeked look at him. He sat there with his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open. She laughed at his surprised appearance and then poked him firmly in the shoulder to wake him up form whatever thoughts were running through his mind. "Chat," she grunted.

He jerked and turned to face her. "I'm good," he said as his spirit slowly floated back into his body. Finally, he looked at her with emotion-filled eyes. "I've waited for this moment all my life," he said, practically bearing his heart to her. He gave her a tight hug and responded back to her, "I love you too."

"I love you, I love you, I love you." He stood up on the beam and yelled out to their view of Paris. "I love you!"

She reached for his hand. "Kitty," she pleaded, "stop, you're embarrassing me."

"But I have to let the whole world know that," he began yelling again, "I love Ladybug and she loves me back." After he was done, he calmly sat down next to the girl that he loved.

He leaned toward her. "I truly do love you," he whispered to her.

"And I truly love you with all my heart." She leaned forward a little to kiss his cheek, but right before her lips land on his cheek he turned his head so that he could catch her lips in his. She chuckled at her Kitty's antics and he took that as assent. He began to kiss her over and over. He kissed her cheeks, her nose, her eyes, her forehead, and landed back on her mouth. She willingly kissed him back, letting her weight fall on him.

After several moments they paused for breath. Ladybug relaxed and leaned her head on his shoulder. Chat Noir wrapped his arm closest to her around her and let his other rest gently on her baby bump that was hidden under her skirt.

They sat just like that for a long while, just enjoying each other's company and soaking in the comfort of having someone to support them through anything and everything. But their moment was interrupted when the two of them felt movement under the skin of Ladybug's abdomen, right under Chat's hand.

He suddenly sat up straight and looked down at her belly excitedly. "Did the baby just kick?"

Ladybug's eyes were twinkling. "I think so," she looked at him, "I haven't felt it yet, this is my first time." She grinned widely, looking lovingly at Chat and gently stroking her stomach, sending love to the baby growing inside of her.

Chat pumped his fists, "yes!" He grinned cheekily at his partner, "I can't wait for this baby to come out and for me to meet him." He looked at her worriedly, "I do get to meet him, right?"

She nodded shyly. "I want you to meet him and I want you to help me raise him, but I don't know what to do to make it all work." Chat squeezed her hand, seeing the worry in her face. "I told you before that I will be raising this baby in my civilian form, and I want you there, but I don't know how to go about any type of reveal." Her hormones kicked in again and tears began leaking from her eyes. "I just don't know what to do."

Chat reached over and hugged her tightly, kissing the side of her neck. "And I told you that I would wait until the time is right." He looked at her gently.

Ladybug sighed. "But Kitty," she looked at him pleadingly, "the thing is, I want now to be the right time, but I don't know how to make it that way."

Chat sat there for a while, keeping his arm around her while deep in thought. "So, what we need to figure out is a reveal, right? After that everything should just flow naturally right?"

She nodded hesitantly, "I think so..."

"Well then, that just means that we need to figure out a time for this moment – since I don't think you are quite prepared for it right now." He looked at her with question in his eyes.

"Yes," she blushed at how well he was reading her.

"Well, how about this? How about we wait until the next akuma attack." Ladybug scrunched her face up in confusion. "After the next attack, instead of running to de-transform somewhere separate from each other, how about we stay together? That can be our moment. We can find somewhere safe and hidden and we'll let our miraculous timers reveal our identities to each other. We'll let things run their course and then we'll know who we are under the mask." He looked at her hoping for her approval.

Ladybug grinned and looked up at her kitty. "That sounds perfect Chaton. I can't wait."

"One more thing." She began and Chat looked at her waiting for her to finish. "I have an appointment with OBG-YN in about a week, will you come with me – without the mask?"

She looked at him nervously, but his grin just widened. "Nothing in the world could make me happier."

He gave her a lingering kiss, then they stayed cuddling for a while longer, reveling in the feel of being in each other's arms, and hoping that they might feel the baby kick again.

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